Special #1: Break Them!

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Prague, Czech Republic, Apeiron Earth (Post-ending earth)

In the stillness of the midnight air, Glitch embarked on his mission to retrieve the stolen artifacts from the League of Legends museum. Clad in his signature gear, he moved with an air of nonchalance, as if the task at hand was nothing more than a casual stroll.

Sipping from a box of juice, Glitch traversed the cityscape with ease, his movements fluid and unhurried. He swung from poles and leapt across rooftops, displaying a carefree demeanor that belied the gravity of his mission.

As he dangled upside down from a lamppost, Brimstone's voice crackled over the comms, a reminder of the task ahead. "Alright, Glitch. The Crown and Blade of the Ruined King. We need those artifacts back ASAP. Cypher should've pinpointed the hideout at this point. Keep your guard up."

Glitch waved off the concern, his voice laced with a hint of amusement. "Gotcha. Relax, Brimstone. I've got this under control."

Brimstone's stern tone persisted. "Get serious! Lives could be at stake if those artifacts fall into the wrong hands."

Glitch sighed, rolling his eyes as he somersaulted onto a nearby rooftop. "I know, I know. I'll get serious, don't worry."

With a final admonition from Brimstone echoing in his ears, Glitch settled into a comfortable spot atop a weathered rooftop. Peering through a hole in the dilapidated structure, he scanned the area below with a practiced eye, his playful demeanor momentarily replaced by focused determination.

With a flourish, the leader of the thieves lifted the crown high above his head, its dark from and gleaming jewels catching the dim light of the warehouse. As he placed it atop his head, a smug grin spread across his face, the weight of the crown seemingly imbuing him with newfound power.

In his other hand, he wielded the Broken Blade, its jagged edges glinting ominously in the darkness. With each step he took, he felt a surge of confidence coursing through his veins, a sense of invincibility washing over him.

"I am the king now," he declared, his voice echoing off the walls of the warehouse. "With Viego's crown and blade, I am unstoppable. Immortal!"

From his vantage point on the rooftop, Glitch watched the scene unfold with a mixture of amusement and disbelief. With a shake of his head and a wry smile, he marveled at the leader's arrogance, knowing all too well the fleeting nature of power.

As the self-proclaimed king continued to revel in his newfound authority, Glitch couldn't help but feel a sense of pity for the man. For while the artifacts may have granted him temporary dominion, true strength and resilience lay not in trinkets and titles, but in the courage to face adversity head-on.

With a silent nod to himself, Glitch steeled his resolve and prepared to retrieve the stolen artifacts, ready to face whatever challenges lay ahead with the same easy confidence that had carried him through the night thus far. He retrieved a portable speaker from his utility belt and activated it, the sounds of the music amplifying throughout the space. As the bass thudded and the melody soared, Glitch tossed the speaker down to the warehouse floor, the music now blaring at full volume.

MP3 Plays - Break Them by Aero Chord 
(I feel like most Valorant Agents have their own theme songs. So I tried to find one for Glitch! I feel like this is good for him, but if you disagree, you do yours!)

The thieves exchanged bewildered glances, their confusion mounting with each passing second. Sensing their distraction, Glitch seized the opportunity to strike, his movements synchronized with the rhythm of the music.

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