Special #4: What Happened?

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The dining room was abuzz with chatter and laughter as the Valorant agents gathered around the grand dinner table. Jett was practically bouncing in her seat, her eyes wide with excitement as the waiters brought in an array of high-class dishes.

"Look at all this food!" Jett exclaimed, practically drooling. "I've never seen such a spread in my life!"

Chamber, with a pleased smile, leaned over to explain. "Ah, the classic Coq au Vin. One of my favorites," he began, gesturing to a dish. "And looks like we also have Beef Wellington, a true masterpiece of British cuisine."

Phoenix and Raze were too busy devouring their food to fully appreciate Chamber's explanations, but they nodded along enthusiastically. "Yeah, yeah, whatever this is, it's amazing! Shit, I can't believe you eat this stuff for lunch, Chamber," Phoenix mumbled through a mouthful of food.

Across the room, a hotel staff member eyed Breach nervously as he picked up his knife and fork with his metal arms. "Don't worry," Brimstone reassured the staff member with a chuckle, "he's got it under control."

Sage was beaming as she watched her teammates enjoy themselves. "Why do you keep smiling like that?" Sova asked her, leaning over with a curious expression.

"It's just nice to see everyone so happy and relaxed," Sage replied, her smile widening. "We don't get moments like this very often."

Skye, seated nearby, nodded in agreement. "Right? We definitely need more breaks like this. It's good for the soul."

Brimstone laughed heartily at this. "Don't get too carried away now. Remember, we still have responsibilities."

The volume in the room was almost overwhelming, a cacophony of voices and laughter that filled the space. Luckily, they were in the VIP room, where they could be as loud as they wanted without disturbing other guests.

Neon returned from her phone call, a hint of nervousness in her eyes as she took her seat next to Gekko. He noticed immediately and leaned in as he cleared his throat. "How's your family doing?" he asked.

Neon turned to him, her fingers fidgeting slightly. "They're great," she replied, forcing a smile. Then, with a bit more hesitation, she added, "But my grandma wants to see you... as soon as possible."

This caught the attention of several agents around them. Brimstone, Jett, and Killjoy looked over with expressions of surprise and delight.

"Well, look at that!" Brimstone said with a grin. "Ain't that wonderful news?"

Jett nudged Neon playfully. "Looks like someone's getting serious!"

Killjoy, always the supportive friend, added, "That's so cute! We're all rooting for you guys."

Reyna smiled knowingly, her eyes reflecting a rare warmth as she listened.

Gekko blushed, feeling the heat rise to his cheeks, but he managed to keep his cool. "I didn't know your family knows about me," he said, scratching the back of his neck. "Maybe it's about time I let my ma know about you as well."

Reyna, although quiet, seemed to be enjoying herself immensely. She gracefully ate from her plate, a content smile playing on her lips. Fade was pretty much the same, just that she seemed a bit more into the wine, savoring each sip with an unusual enthusiasm for someone often so reserved and indifferent.

Iso and Yoru, usually seen as the stoic types, were engaged in an animated conversation. They didn't often have the chance to talk, but it was clear that they got along surprisingly well. Iso, the cool and quiet one, and Yoru, the cold and brash, found common ground and shared a few laughs.

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