Chapter 28: Radivores

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Los Angeles, California, Omega Earth

Mateo Armendáriz De la Fuente stood on the threshold of his home in Los Angeles, his heart pounding with a mixture of excitement and trepidation. It had been two years since he vanished, leaving his mother devastated and the world puzzled by his mysterious disappearance. Now, he was back, stepping into the warmth of his home, greeted by his mother's tearful embrace.

"Mi hijo (My boy), you're home!" his mother exclaimed, holding him as if afraid he might vanish again. The joy in her eyes was palpable, as was the one in Mateo's heart.

During his absence, Mateo had been ensnared in a clandestine arrangement with Kingdom, an organization that had offered to save his mother's life in exchange for his participation in a classified experiment. Their deal was simple: Mateo would undergo an experiment that granted him powers beyond ordinary comprehension, while Kingdom would ensure his mother's medical bills were covered.

However, the experiment had not gone as planned. Mateo found himself confined in cryostasis, his powers mysterious and latent. He had become a Pseudo-Radiant, a term he barely understood. Despite his transformation, he felt no different than the young man who had vanished two years ago.

As he looked at his mother's beaming face, Mateo couldn't help but feel clouded by confusion. She had been cured and is now living a normal life out of the hospital. But his own powers remained a mystery to him, a puzzle he was hesitant to solve. He did not even know what his powers can do.

Glitch, the new hero of the Valorant Legion, demanded the release of Pseudo-Radiants like himself. Mateo's confinement was abruptly ended, and he found himself faced with a choice. Join ATLAS and utilize his newfound abilities to fight for the sake of his world, or return to the comfort of his old life.

It was a decision that weighed heavily on his mind. Mateo's mother, once gravely ill, was now healthy and thriving. But his own existence had transformed into something he couldn't comprehend. 

He wasn't even sure what his powers were capable of, let alone if he could wield them effectively. While the majority of Pseudo-Radiants understood their powers, Mateo stood out as an exception. Despite the experiment's apparent success, his abilities remained a mystery to both him and the researchers.

As he stood before Glitch, surrounded by others like him, Mateo's uncertainty grew. He listened as the hero spoke of a world in need, a world where their abilities could make a difference. But doubt lingered in Mateo's mind. He looked around at his fellow Pseudo-Radiants, some eager to join the fight, others hesitant like him.

In the end, Mateo chose to return home. His mother's well-being was the first thing he wanted to see after being apart from her for so long. He couldn't see himself as a hero, not when he couldn't even grasp the nature of his powers, nor how to activate them. He needed time to understand, to come to terms with the changes that had befallen him.

Thanks to the Valorant Legion's arrangements, Kingdom had ensured that Mateo and the other Pseudo-Radiants who chose to return home could resume their normal lives. To safeguard both the people around them and their own well-being, Glitch and Fade had agreed to periodically check up on each of them.



Today marked a significant day for Mateo as he embarked on a university study tour to a Kingdom Industries research facility, particularly managed by K-SEC. Over twenty other students and two lecturers went with him, and anticipation buzzed in the air. This facility offered a unique opportunity to explore the intricate blend of machinery and biotechnology, a realm Mateo was especially drawn to due to his major in Biotechnology.

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