Chapter 18: Warm Up

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(Note: I'm sorry, but this chapter will be boring because most of it will be a simple narration to one of the official cinematics: Warm Up. I have plans for Maxbot in the future, but I feel like this is the only proper introduction we could have for him. I will post another chapter soon, since I feel like I haven't written much yet.)




"Monsieur Brimstone! I must say again how wise it is that you have embraced our partnership. Trust me, I understand your reluctance - I am new, unknown - and it is unfortunate that we found each other in such unpleasant circumstances. But, we will get to know each-other. Look into me if you must, I am an open book. In the end, we want the same thing, non? And I'm in the unique position to deliver it. There is only benefit. You will not be disappointed."




"Hallo, Brim! Uh, sorry about the power outage last night, it won't happen again... uh, probably. It's this Everett-Linde portal. I managed to build it thanks to the blueprints from Chamber. It's going fine, I - I think it's going fine, but finding a viable energy source is proving... problematic. Standard electrical currents just won't work. But, you know what could help? More lab funding. Haha! Now, I know what you're thinking... 'Killjoy! Are you exploiting the urgent nature of this very fine mission to weasel MORE money out of the quarterly budget?!'. The answer is yes. But seriously, this portal won't power itself. Thank you!"




"Bonjour, Brimstone! I have sent you my intelligence for numero (number)19. The file is quite comprehensive... Kingdom keeps far too much data on its employees. As you see, her abilities are uniquely suited to help with the... Special Project. She is a perfect fit, I think. Unfortunately, I cannot reach out to her directly, there is a past... misunderstanding... that may make her less receptive. But, as a fellow K-SEC veteran, I'm sure she'll meet with you! Appeal to her sense of service, she gets that from her family. This is exciting, non? Good progress!"





"Brimstone, you wanted to see me?" Skye said as she walked into the room. Brimstone and Yoru were in the room, their conversation put on hold as she entered. Yoru immediately stood straight, trying to look his best.

"Glad you could make it, Skye. There's something I need your help with," Brimstone said.

"What is it?" Skye asked as she reached the front of his desk, standing next to Yoru. Brimstone then spun the folder he was holding so that the others could see its contents.

"What's this?" Yoru asked as he picked up the folder and took out the files inside.

"We have a new agent joining the team, and she's a Radiant. Although she has experience working with K-SEC, they don't train anyone on how to use their Radiant powers," Brimstone explained.

"So you want us to train her?" Skye asked.

"If we're gonna keep recruiting more Radiants like her, we need to formalize Radiant training as part of the process. There's no telling what could happen if they don't learn to control their powers on the battlefield," Brimstone said.

"I thought you just recruited Chamber and the robot a few days ago. And there was Glitch sometime before them," Yoru remarked. Brimstone nodded, acknowledging the rapid influx of new agents. Indeed, he has been expanding the team quickly. But no doubt, these additions have been instrumental in strengthening the Protocol. Omega earth's Valorant Legion might be doing the same thing. No one can tell.

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