Special #2: Special Mission

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The Headquarters, Apeiron Earth

Glitch sat hunched over his workbench, carefully carving intricate patterns into a small wooden box. His brow furrowed in concentration as he focused on his task, the rhythmic scraping of the carving tool filling the air. He was in the midst of creating a special box for the ring that Dr. Wallace had given him during his wedding ceremony.

Lost in the soothing repetition of carving, Glitch was startled when a gentle knock sounded at his door. Glitch let out an exasperated sigh, setting down his tools and got up to open the door.

As the door slides open, he was greeted by the graceful presence of a fellow agent. "Sage? What brings you here?" Glitch asked, raising an eyebrow.

"Glitch, Brimstone's calling for you. We're scheduled for a meeting in the briefing room," she said, her voice carrying a note of urgency.

Glitch frowned in confusion. "What? That's... so sudden. Why wasn't I informed about this meeting?"

Sage shrugged apologetically. "You must've missed the memo while you were on your last mission. But Brimstone wants everyone there. It sounds important."

He spared a regretful glance at the unfinished box on his workbench before shaking his head. "You could've just called, you know. I'll be there immediately. Let me get changed."




A few minutes later

 Brimstone stood at the head of the room, his authoritative presence commanding attention.

"Alright, everyone, settle in," Brimstone announced, his voice resonating through the room. "I've called you all here for a special briefing."

Raze's eyes lit up with excitement, and she exchanged a glance with Killjoy, her usual exuberance evident even in the serious setting. Yoru leaned back in his chair, seemingly uninterested, while Phoenix tapped his foot impatiently, eager to hear what Brimstone had to say. Glitch, sitting quietly, glanced around the room, his curiosity piqued.

Brimstone continued, his tone serious yet contained a hint of excitement. "As you all know, our work is demanding and relentless. We're constantly facing new threats and challenges. But every now and then, we need to take a step back and give ourselves a pat on the back."

Harbor's eyebrows were raised in confusion, while Chamber nodded in agreement. Yoru remained impassive, though a hint of curiosity shone in his eyes. Phoenix and Jett's faces broke into wide grins, their excitement palpable, while Glitch listened intently, his interest piqued.

"That's why," Brimstone continued, "we're going on a super special yet important mission. We're going on vacation."

"WHAAAATT???" A collective gasp echoed through the room as the agents processed Brimstone's announcement. 

"Vacation? In the midst of our duties? In a world where evil never sleeps?" Omen asserted.

Phoenix pumped his fist in the air, unable to contain his excitement. "No way! You're kidding, right, boss?"

Yoru chuckled, a smile finally spreading across his face. "Sounds too good to be true, but I'm not complaining."

Astra nearly dropped her cup of coffee, intrigued by the unexpected turn of events.

Glitch's expression softened, a hint of a smile playing at the corners of his lips as he listened intently.

Brimstone grinned at their reactions, pleased with the positive response. But realizing that some agents still seem unsure of this sudden decision, he added, "I know this is unusual, but trust me, it's necessary."

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