Chapter 23: The Teleporter to Omega

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The Headquarters, Alpha Earth

At noon, Glitch was finally setting up his room in the Valorant headquarters. Due to the constant missions and tasks, he hadn't had the time to focus on personalizing his space as he had hoped. But now, especially with the upgrade after Chamber joined the Protocol, he had more options and choices to create a room that truly felt like his own.

The morning was spent meticulously arranging his belongings, setting up everything he needs, and even adding a few holographic projections for ambiance. Glitch was satisfied with the progress he had made so far, feeling a sense of accomplishment as he looked around his new domain.

However, his peace was interrupted by loud noises from outside. Frowning, he paused to listen, the shouts growing louder and more chaotic. Concerned, Glitch quickly exited his room, following the sound to its source.

As he turned a corner, he spotted Astra and Skye, who seemed equally curious about the commotion. Glitch raised an eyebrow in silent inquiry, but they didn't have time to exchange words as they continued on their way.

Soon, they arrived at the epicenter of the disturbance, and the scene before him was anything but peaceful. Brimstone and Breach were engaged in a heated argument, their voices raised as they shouted at each other. Jett stood nearby, covering her ears to shield herself from the escalating noise. Phoenix was trying his best to mediate the situation, standing between the two agents, attempting to calm them down.

"What's going on here?" Glitch called out, hoping to defuse the tension. Both Brimstone and Breach paused in their argument, turning their attention to Glitch.

"It's about my decisions for the Protocol," Brimstone explained, his voice still tense. "This lug-head refuses to listen to explanations."

Breach chimed in, "And this corporate sellout refuses to listen to fellow agents!"

Brimstone's face contorted with a frown as he responded, "You don't know what you're talking about, Breach. I'm doing what's best for the team." Breach's anger flared, and he retorted, "Javlar... That's what YOU think! But you only care about missions this, and missions that, and not how your agents feel, you prick!" 

Glitch quickly stepped in, moving between them to assist Phoenix in mediating the tense situation. "Hey, hey, HEY, HEY!" he shouted, trying to grab their attention. Both agents turned their focus to Glitch. "You both need to calm down. Right now," Glitch firmly stated.

The two then backed off. Brimstone nodded, while Breach crossed his metallic arms, letting out a sigh. As Killjoy and Neon arrived on the scene, Killjoy inquired with concern, "What's going on here? We heard shouting." Brimstone shook his head dismissively, saying, "Nothing urgent. Don't worry about it." 

Breach then scoffed, "See? This is the problem. You keep everything to yourself. We're a team, Brim. If you're not willing to share intel with the rest of us, then what's the point of being one?" 

Glitch turned to Breach and voiced his concern, "Not now. Calm down, alright? Let's just... relax first,"

Breach let out another sigh of frustration and declared, "I'm gonna get some air," before stepping away from the scene. The room fell into an awkward silence for a few seconds until the clattering of pots and pans in the kitchen broke the stillness. 

Jett quickly excused herself, saying, "That's our lunch. I better go back before I burn anything." Phoenix then raised his hands in front of his chest, and said, "Alright, y'all need to calm down. Let's talk this out peacefully, ye?" 

Skye approached Killjoy and Neon, gently guiding them away from the scene, reassuring them that everything would be okay. Astra on the other hand, fixed her gaze on Brimstone, her arms crossed in front of her. "Now then, what did you fight about?" she inquired.

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