Chapter 38: Mind's Labyrinth

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Fade had prepared herself for this challenging journey into Iselin's mind. She had a singular goal – to extract any information Iselin had about Kingdom, Project Landfall, and the mysterious Radivores. As she closed her eyes and touched the cold glass of Iselin's containment pod, she entered the woman's consciousness.

At first, it was like navigating through a dense fog. Iselin's thoughts were a labyrinth, and Fade had to tread carefully. But soon, she encountered an unexpected obstacle – the foreign Radianite-like substance coursing through Iselin's veins.

This strange substance reacted fiercely to Fade's presence. It wasn't like anything Fade had encountered before when touching minds. It felt sentient, as if having a mind of its own, and sought to pull her in. For a moment, Fade was trapped within Iselin's mind, a captive observer of her thoughts.

Desperation set in. To break free from this psychic quagmire, Fade needed to access parts of Iselin's memories that had remained locked away. 



Sage quietly entered the medical bay, her steps soft on the tiled floor. She noticed Omen, focused on his Bonsai tree, tending to it with care. Approaching him with a faint smile, she commented, "I'm glad you're taking a liking to the Bonsai, Omen."

Omen looked up from his miniature tree to see Sage. He nodded appreciatively. "It's a thoughtful gift," he replied. "It helps me center my thoughts and stay grounded. I appreciate it, Sage."

Sage acknowledged his words with a nod before her gaze shifted to Fade, who stood frozen beside the pod, her hand resting on the glass surface, her posture resembling that of someone lost in deep slumber. Her concern grew as she noticed how long Fade had remained in this state.

Turning back to Omen, she inquired, "Do you have any idea how much longer she'll be like this?"

Omen stopped tending to the tree and shifted his gaze towards Fade. "Hard to say," he admitted. "She's been at it for hours."

Worried for her fellow agent, Sage approached the pod, examining both Fade and the woman inside. Her curiosity got the better of her, and she couldn't help but ask about the woman.

"How did you know her, Omen?" Sage inquired gently.

"She used to work for Kingdom," Omen began. "A gifted engineer. Her mentor was a good friend of mine. Our departments worked together on a few projects. That's where she met my protégé, y/n."

Sage's interest deepened as she heard Glitch's name. "And what's her relationship with Glitch?" she asked, intrigued.

Omen's response was guarded, and he chose his words carefully. "It's best if you hear that from Glitch himself," he said. "I'd rather you hear it from him, not from me."

Sage's gaze lingered on the woman encased in the pod for a moment before she turned her attention back to Omen. A thoughtful expression crossed her face, and she spoke softly, "I can probably guess what their relationship was."

Omen acknowledged her words with a non-committal hum, pushing himself up from his seat. "I need to see Viper. Look after them, Sage."

Sage nodded in response. As Omen left the medical bay, she turned her focus to the control panel nearby, her fingers dancing over the holographic buttons and panels. Sage began to analyze the woman's condition, trying to ensure her well-being.

Sage observed the data on the screen carefully, noting the gradual improvement in the woman's condition. The foreign substance in her blood seemed to no longer pose a threat to her life. The readings indicated stability, a hopeful sign.

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