Bonus Chapter 41.5: The Nightmare

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(Note: I really want to publish something today, but I'm a bit short on time for a full chapter. So here's a short one. Stay tuned for more !)

Omicron Earth

The once beautiful Omicron Earth, now a desolate and nightmarish world, bore witness to an ongoing tragedy as it has reached the end of its time. In this grim reality, the sky was eternally overcast, casting a pallid, ghostly light upon the barren landscape. The remnants of a once-mighty city lay in ruins, now little more than a haunting memory of civilization.

Twenty-one crosses, each bearing the lifeless form of a Valorant Alliance member, served as a haunting reminder of ruthless invasion.

Omicron Sage, battered and weary, found herself at Omicron Glitch's side in their final moments. The two last survivors of the Valorant Alliance fought desperately against the tyrant Abraxas, whose throne rested atop a gruesome hill of bones. They lied powerless on the ground as Abraxas approached.

Sage, her voice barely above a whisper, managed to utter her last words to Glitch, tears streaming down her face. "Goodbye, y/n. I love you," she choked out, her trembling hand reaching for his. Her words eched in the air, a poignant goodbye that pierced Glitch's soul.

Glitch's eyes, filled with overwhelming despair, locked onto Sage's gaze for one last time. His heartache and sorrow were palpable as Abraxas approached them. Abraxas grabbed Sage by her hair and stabbed her with a merciless stroke of his sword.

Glitch screamed in anguish as he watched his beloved fall. 

The Radivores, Abraxas' loyal minions, swiftly carried out his command, strapping Sage's lifeless body to a vacant cross. Her lifeless body was now cruelly bound to one of the twenty-three crosses that loomed ominously in the background.

The Radinthonian, shrouded in darkness, stood before the ghastly throne, his face devoid of emotion. Omicron Glitch, the last survivor of the Valorant Alliance, stood before him. 

With only a single vacant cross remaining, Glitch stood broken and defeated. Tears of despair flowed freely from his eyes, each drop falling like a bitter reminder of his failure.

In a grim and chilling moment, Abraxas's powerful hand clamped down around Glitch's throat, cutting off his breath. The two figures locked eyes, and a peculiar, almost eerie expression flickered briefly across Abraxas's face—admiration.

Abraxas spoke, his tone laced with a strange sort of respect. "I must admit, your bravery is commendable. You've survived for far longer than most."

He continued, his words a cold, unsettling offer. "Join me, kneel before me, and serve as a general in my army. Your talents would be a valuable asset. My forces are in need of a capable leader."

In that dire moment, as hope seemed all but extinguished, a sudden searing pain lanced through Glitch's forehead. His mind became a maelstrom of vivid, haunting images, and within this chaotic tempest, a voice resounded.

"I am King Araxys, sovereign of Radinthon. I shall unfurl the enigmatic tapestry of my world's fate and the destiny that binds you, my interdimensional visitors."



"I have foreseen the destruction of Radinthon long before it came, but I have also foreseen a chance of survival for other worlds... 

And I have foreseen the one who will save realities."



In a desperate, final attempt to thwart Abraxas's reign of terror, Glitch summoned all his remaining strength and channeled the power of his artifact, The Ring of Light. With an incandescent burst of energy, he confronted Abraxas, determined to put an end to the nightmare.

But it was not to be. Despite Glitch's valiant efforts, he was ultimately overpowered by the sheer malevolence of Abraxas's might. The Ring of Light, once a symbol of hope, flickered and faded as Glitch succumbed to the overwhelming darkness.

Defeated and helpless, Glitch accepted his grim fate. He knew that the savior King Araxys had mentioned was not him or his fellow Alliance members.

Defiant to the very end, his voice strained from the grip on his throat, cursing Abraxas with his dying breath. He refused to bow to the darkness that consumed this nightmarish realm. "I'll never kneel... Especially to a fucking monster... like you!" 

Abraxas, unmoved by Glitch's defiance, simply replied, "So be it," and swiftly drove his sword through Glitch's heart. 

As tears welled up in Glitch's eyes, his life force slowly fading away, his unyielding spirit remained undiminished—a testament to the resilience and valor that defined him. Though he lacked the strength to voice his emotions, he could only silently beg for forgiveness in his heart from everyone for his perceived failure.

Abraxas, victorious, seized The Ring of Light from Glitch's lifeless body. With the artifact now in his possession, Abraxas ascended the throne that overlooked the hill of bones, his malicious dominion absolute.

The Radivores then took Glitch's lifeless body and strapped it to the final vacant cross. As the once-heroic Glitch hung in silence, a gruesome symbol of Abraxas's triumph, the nightmarish reign of Omicron Earth continued unabated.

Twenty-three heroes faced the devil of Radinthon. Twenty-three crosses stood tall atop the hill.




The Headquarters, Alpha Earth

Fade sat on the edge of her bed, her expression weighed down by the weight of her visions. Brimstone occupied the chair across from her, his eyes fixed on her with deep concern.

"I-... I saw the walls holding our world together fall apart," Fade began, her voice trembling with the memory. "I felt the wind go still, I could smell the bitterness of blood and bile. I heard small, uncertain voices crying out, and I could taste the fear. There was so much of it, like the whole planet had a fever."

Her hands clenched involuntarily as she continued, reliving the horrifying imagery etched into her mind.

"So I climbed, I climbed this... tall cliff," she recounted, her fingers subconsciously miming the ascent. "It was jagged as bone, stretching up, dizzying. But with broken fingers, I reached the top and saw the end of our time. A silent window, stretching over the ocean, filled with dead faces."

"A voice then echoed," she said, her voice growing somber. "'Twenty-three heroes faced the devil of Radinthon. Twenty-three crosses stood tall on the hill.'"

As she concluded her unsettling tale, she turned her gaze to Brimstone, her eyes filled with urgency.

"Brimstone, I have seen many things in my line of work, but... we must not let this come to pass!" she implored, her voice firm and resolute.




Bonus chapter end

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