*A Good Book - Ranpoe*

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"Hey Ed!" the detective hollered making the writer jump.

"Ranpo! You weren't supposed to be here for another hour!"

"I got bored and decided to come early" the younger stated as he flopped down onto his friend's couch.

"The story isn't finished yet."

"Aw, how much longer do you need?"

"Probably an hour. I was planning to have it done by the time you got here, but you're early," said the author as he took a seat at the kitchen table where all of his writing material was spread out.

Ranpo pouted before he picked up Karl and started to pet him. After about an hour of playing with the raccoon, Poe handed the shorter man a notebook titled The Tell-Tale Heart.

"Thanks Ed!" he smiled.

The detective read through the pages quickly as Poe played with his closest, cutest, and cuddliest friend...Karl.

"Wow Poe! Another good one!"

"You're done already?!"



"You're stories always captive me. They're impossible to put down."



"T-Thanks" the author mumbled, hiding his face in his fluffy companion.

He's had a crush on the younger man for a while but knows that being in a different group could easily cause conflict.

"Do you...wanna watch a movie? One of my pieces was converted into a movie recently" Poe asked.

"Yes! Which piece?!"

"The Raven"

"Of course! Turn it on! Turn it on Poe!" The detective exclaimed while playfully hitting him.

"Ok, ok," Poe said chuckling.

He turned on the TV and started the movie. Karl ran off into the poet's room before he came out with a notebook that Ranpo had never seen before. The raccoon walked over to the younger man and dropped it at his feet; not thinking much of it he picked it up and opened it to a random page. He originally thought that it was one of Poe's works that he had forgotten to show him, but he quickly realized that it was the other's diary and the page he opened up on was about him.

Dear Journal,
I can't get over this feeling that I have when Ranpo is around. I've tried everything to get rid of it but it doesn't seem to be working. He's my rival, how could I fall for him? He's so nice to me and actually cares about my interests. He's intrigued by my work not just my ability or money. I feel less alone when he's around. Why is this happening to me? I'll have to find a way to get rid of these feelings, the sooner the better.
-E.A. Poe

The entry was written yesterday. Ranpo reached for the remote and paused the movie gaining a confused looking author's attention.

"Karl gave this to me" the shorter male stated as he held out the book.

"O-oh is that so?" The writer stuttered as he gently took the book back.

"Poe...I read it"


"The page from yesterday...I read it. I'm sorry, I just thought that it was one of your works that you forgot to show me!"

"It's not your fault, I should've been more careful with my belongings" the tall man spoke before leaving the living room to put the book away before returning.

"I understand if you want to leave" he continued.


"I'm sorry" he said before retreating back into his room.

The detective stood up from the couch and walked over to Poe's room before letting himself in.



"Is what you wrote true?"

"I'm sure you can figure that out on your own."

"I can, but I want to hear it from you."

"...yes...it's true." The poet explained before turning to face the smaller man.

"Poe, can you bend down?"


"I want to kiss you" Ranpo said bluntly.


"Guess I'll just have to do it myself"

Ranpo grabbed Poe's vest and pulled him down close to him so that his lips could reach his.

"I like you too, you dummy"

"You already knew I liked you, didn't you?"

"Yup, Karl just confirmed my suspicions."

"So, what now?"

"What do you mean?"

"Are we...boyfriends?"

"Do you want to be?"

The author nodded viciously causing the younger to chuckle.

"Than yes, we are"

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