*Sleepover - Shin Soukoku*

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It's been a year since Dazai teamed me up with Akutagawa and three months since we started dating. Tonight would be my first time sleeping over his place. Sure we've hung out there and at my apartment but I've never spent the night here and since I'm still sharing with Kyoka he's never stayed at mine.

I arrived at Akutagawa's condo five minutes before our scheduled time and debated between knocking or waiting for the five minutes to pass before doing so. Those five minutes turned to three and I decided to knock. The raven haired man opened the door and welcomed me as he stepped to the side and ushered me in. The condo was in pristine condition and the vacuum marks on the rug indicated that it had just been cleaned.

"I ordered some tempura and udon from the restaurant down the street, it should be here in about 20 minutes." The older man explained.

I wonder how he can act so nonchalant about this whole thing, does it not worry him?

"Oh, thank you. How much do I owe you?"

"Nothing, you paid last time"

"You're right, I must've forgotten"

"It's been two weeks, understandable that you would have forgotten." The slightly taller man spoke as he leaned against the kitchen island with his back to it.

"Yeah..we've both been pretty busy..." I replied as I fidget with my fingers.

"What's got you so nervous?" He asked pushing himself off the counter and walked closer to me.

"It's just that...I've never spent the night at your place, or really anyone's home other than mine."

"It's just like any other time, only longer"

"Are you no fazed by this?" I ask.

"Not really...should I be?"

"Maybe it's just me" I replied rubbing my arm.

"It's okay to be nervous about things, I might now be able to understand but I'll try to help. You can put your bag in my room if you'd like and I'll look for a movie. How's that sound?"

"Sounds good, thank you!" I responded.

I took my bag into his bedroom which looked to be freshly cleaned. The bed was made and the laundry basket was empty. I placed my bag on the bed and took a moment to look around at the room I've been in numerous times.

"Atsushi! The food is here!" Akutagawa hollered from the kitchen.

I join him in separating the food as close to even as possible before we take our meals into the living room and Akutagawa presses play on the movie.

"Is it true that Dazai convinced you that tempura grows from the ground?"

"H-he told you?!" He blushed embarrassed at his younger self's gullibility.


"That bastard"

"He's not that bad"

"I guess, yet after disappearing for four years does stuff to a person."

"Four years is a long time for things to change"


"Definitely, in barely a year I was kicked out of an orphanage, found out I could turn into a tiger, became part of the ADA, almost died multiple times, and met you. That was all in one year."

"I guess you're right." He replied with a small smile on his face.

We turn our attention to the movie that was playing and continued to eat our meals. I set my dish on the coffee table, I've always been a quick eater. Akutagawa was still eating when I rested my head on his shoulder. He moved to put his bowl on the table before patting his lap. I placed my head there and curl up so that my knees and feet were on the couch as I laid on my side.



He picks up his food and continues to eat. As time passed my eyelids started getting heavy and I was finding it hard to stay awake.

"Do you want to head to bed?" Akutagawa asked petting my hair.

I nodded.

"You can take the bed. Would you feel more comfortable with me staying with you or if I slept out here? I don't mind either way."

"Stay with me please" I replied.

We both head into the older's room and take turns in the bathroom to get changed and brush our teeth. Akutagawa took his medicine and laid on the left side.

"If you want me to leave at any point let me know"

"I will, good night Akutagawa"

"Good night, Asushi"

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