<Camping - Soukoku>

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"I can't believe Mori is making me do this!"

"You think I'm looking forward to this trip? Because I'm not!" I snapped back.

Recently, Mori and Fukuzawa decided that it'd be a fantastic idea for the ADA and the PM to go on a camping trip together for what they called a "bonding experience" which if you ask me, is a bunch of bullshit. A list was handed out to everyone with the names of ADA and PM members on it. It was a roommate setup, one member from each agency.









Are. You. Fucking. Kidding. Me.

"NO WAY AM I ROOMING WITH THAT ASSHOLE!!!!" The ginger yelled.

Mori gave him a side-eye that basically told him to shut the hell up.

"Let's just get the tent set up tiny," I said to the shorter man.

"I'm not tiny, asshole! I can put up the fucking tent by myself, I don't need your help mackerel."

"Whatever you say" I replied, took a seat on the ground, and watched the ginger struggle.

Some groups were doing perfectly fine, such as Yosano and Koyo while others were at each other's throats, such as Atsushi and Akutagawa. Mori set up Elise's tent, to no one's surprise. Some people flat out didn't care for the event and just went alone with what was happening.

"Dazai!" I hear the ginger yell.

"Yes Chibi?"

"Get your ass over here and help me!"

"Oh so now you need my help~"

"Shut up!" He said.

I stood up from the ground and walked over to the tent, he had gotten pretty far with it and just needed help standing it upright. After some tugging we were able to get it standing and Chuuya started nailing the spikes into the ground. I grabbed our duffel bags and put them into the fairly large tent before I started to unpack, the shortie joined me soon after.

"I can't believe I have to be stuck with you for three whole days." He said as he began to unpack.

"Oh please, you're happy to see me" I replied.

He simply rolled his eyes and continued to remove his belongings from the bag. Part of me wanted to talk to him, but another part wanted for me to wait for him to initiate the conversation. The silence only broke when we were informed that dinner was being prepared. We left our tent and ate with the rest of the members.

"Yo? Dazai?" The short man whispered over to me.

"What?" I whispered back.

"Does that tiger kid of yours have a crush on Akutagawa?"

I look over to the pair he was talking about and smiled slightly.

"I think so...reminds me a lot of us when we were younger."

Chuuya goes silent and is the first to leave after he finishes his plate. I stay for a bit, observing people, before I head back to the tent.

"The kids are making s'mores, do you want one?"

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 18, 2023 ⏰

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