<Attention - Shin Soukoku>

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The tiger and the emo were hanging out at the older's place doing their paperwork for their respective agencies. Atsushi was done first and decided to play on his phone while the other continued.

"Akutagawa, how much more do you have to do?" The weretiger asked after almost two hours had passed.

"Not too much more, maybe ten more minutes" he replied, not taking his eyes off of his documents.

Atsushi groaned and left the bedroom to get a snack.

"Want anything from the kitchen?" He asked his partner on the way out.

"No thanks" again not looking up from his computer.

The younger man walked into the kitchen and grabbed a small bowl of chips before returning to the room. Akutagawa was still considered on his, so much that he didn't even notice he had returned. Atsushi felt a bit guilty for wanting more attention but in his defense it had been a whole week without seeing each other because of all the missions they'd be sent on.

Finally the dark haired man finished his work and joined his partner on the bed.

"All done?"

"Yeah, that was exhausting"

"Why'd you have so much work?"

"Chuuya is on vacation"

"Huh, so is Dazai...do you think they went on vacation together?"

"I'd be more surprised if they didn't. You think Dazai will make it back alive?" Akutagawa asked causing them both to laugh.



"Can we cuddle?" The slightly smaller man asked as he fiddled with his hands.

"Sure, come here" the other replied opening his arms.

Atsushi was quick to take the opportunity, he knew that his boyfriend wasn't a huge fan of physical contact. For the first four months of dating he wouldn't even hold his hand but after two years the two have gotten a lot more comfortable with each other.

"Can I stay over tonight? I just want to stay like this for a while"


"Thank you...can I...have a kiss" the younger asked.

Akutagawa placed a kiss on his head and he smiled sadly. He was happy with the kiss but was hoping for one on the lips. The older man, not fully understanding why his partner was a bit sad looked at him confused. Atsushi tapped his own lips and a light bulb went off. Akutagawa peeked his lips with a kiss causing the tiger to smile.

"Sorry" the older said.

"What for?"

"I'm not good at picking up social cues and lack understanding of what you need or want sometimes"

"Would it be better if I said it outright?"

"Honestly, it'd be a lot better"

"Then that's what I'll do"

"Thank you Jinko"

Atsushi smiled and cuddled up with his boyfriend.

"Right now all I want is your attention, I was a bit upset that you were so focused on your work while I was here. It kinda felt like you were ignoring me but I know you weren't doing it on purpose." He confessed.

"Well I'm all yours now. What'd you wanna do, just cuddle or something else?"

"I'd like to ensure that all of your attention is on me." The smaller man stated and climbed on top of him.

"I-is t-that so?"

"If it's ok with you of course"

"Y-yeah it's fine by me"

"Are you sure? I don't want to pressure you into doing something you don't want."

"I'm fine with it, believe me"

"Alright, if you change your mind or get uncomfortable say 'quit' ok?"

"Ok" the older reply.

Atsushi smiled and began to make out with his lover before moving to his neck and leaving small hickies all over. He moved his hands up his shirt, unbuttoning it as he went until he reached the top. After removing the shirt Atsushi started kissing down his partner's chest and began to rub his nibbles with his thumbs causing the older to moan softly. Eventually Atsushi moved his hands to undo the other's belt and remove his pants leaving him in only his boxers. He stripped himself till he was in the same apparel as Akutagawa and kissed him causing a slight battle over dominance before the other caved. The shorter removed his partner's underwear and began to jerk him off a bit then grabbed lube from the side table. He squirted some onto his fingers before pushing his middle finger into his boyfriend, causing a slight flinch. After some time had passed the black haired man was deemed to be lose enough and gave consent for his partner to enter him. The younger started off slowly and would gradually increase the pace.

"F-fuck" Akutagawa moaned.

The pleasure caused him to tightly close his eyes and turn his head.



"Look at me"

The older shook his head. Atsushi lightly gripped his chin and moved his head by force. Akutagawa opened his eyes and was rewarded with a kiss.

"Eyes on me, I want you to keep your eyes on me, ok?"

Akutagawa nodded in response and the weretiger went back to work. It became very difficult for the raven-haired man to hold his eyes on his as they both grew closer to their orgasm.

"Jinko, I'm close"

"So am I"

The younger pulled out and released onto the other's chest followed by the taller letting out a slight moan as he too released. Atsushi wiped up the mess before running the bath. He picked up Akutagawa and gently placed him in the tub before washing him up and drying him with a towel. The shorter grabbed some pajamas from Akutagawa's wardrobe and slipped them onto his lower and carried him back into bed.

"You did very well today" the older praised as Atsushi join him in bed.

"Good Jinko"

"Good night Ryū"

"...I love you"

"I love you too" the younger replied before both of them slipped into slumber.

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