*Gay Panic - Ranpoe*

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Poe was pacing around his living room as his head filled with thoughts that never came to him before. In all of his 28 years of living, he developed a feeling that he has never felt in his entire life. He had fallen in love, and he fell hard.

Not long after the reunion between Poe and Ranpo, the two started to meet up and became close friends. Ranpo was always interested in Poe's novels and Poe was happy to have someone to share his works with, other than Karl. Karl also was a fan of his owner's new (and frankly only) friend since Ranpo would always bring him snacks.

Poe did research for days on to why he was feeling this way and as he looked back on his life it became very clear to him. He was a homosexual.

"What am I going to do Karl?" The writer said as he picked up his raccoon and hugged him.

Of course, Karl couldn't reply. The fuzzy fellow wiggled his way out of Poe's arms and sat on his shoulder but then he got an idea. Karl jumped off his owner and grabbed the brunette's cellphone before bringing it over to his human.

"No Karl" but he insisted until the poet caved and dialed his friend's number.

"Hey Ed! What's up?!"

"Hello Ranpo, I was wondering if you wanted to come over to my place once you finish work? I would like to talk to you in person about something."

"Sure! I'll be done in about an hour then I'll pop by." He said cheerfully.

They both said their goodbyes and hung up. Poe let out a sigh of relief. His plan was to come out to his friend, because he was the only human he trusted, but not tell him that he was crushing on the younger individual.

It was a bit over a hour when Ranpo knocked on the author's door. Poe let him in and asked him to take a seat at the dining room table. Although he was confused, Ranpo obeyed and the taller sat across from him.

"Ranpo, there's something I want to tell you. Please don't get upset or hate me." Poe started as he fidgeted with his finger.

"What is it Poe?" The younger replied, his usual energetic personality was now gone and replaced with a worried one.

"I...I'm a homosexual" Poe said as he looked down at the table.

"Oh. I knew that." Ranpo replied as if it was common knowledge.

"You knew?! How?!"

"I just did. Well I figured you were at least bisexual if not gay."

Poe's face turned bright red.

"I think I also know something else...you have a crush on me, don't you?"


"In fact, if my deductions are correct you've been crushing on me for quite some time now, haven't you Edgar?"

Hearing his first name slide of the other's tongue made his heart skip a beat. There was no such thing that could be hidden from Ranpo, he knew that. So why was he trying to hide it? Was it a matter of pride? A fear that the feelings were only one sided? He didn't know.

"Ranpo...you're correct...as always" Poe spoke.

"I know I am"

"Then why'd you make me say it?!" The elder one said, at the verge of tears.

"Because I wanted to hear it from you."


"I wanted to hear you say that you had a crush on me"


"That I'm not sure of. I don't know why. All I know is that I wanted to hear you say that you liked me romantically."

"And now that I have?" Poe asked as he lifted his head slightly so he was looking at the man across from him instead of the table.

Ranpo got up from his seat and leaned over to table before placing a small and sweet kiss on the other's cheek. Poe was surprised to say the least, yet Ranpo was unfazed. The younger took a seat back in the chair before he began the conversation again.

"I'm glad you know. I was worried you wouldn't realize that you have a crush on me until it was too late. In a job like this, you never know what day will be your last."

"Why'd you kiss me Ranpo?"

"You're a detective, can't you figure it out?"

"I wish not to assume."

"I like you Edgar, the feeling are mutual" Ranpo said before full getting out of his seat and walking over to Poe.

Poe looked up at him and he took that chance to kiss him on the lips. Although he was surprised, Poe kissed back. The two kept on kissing each other, Poe had his arms around the standing Ranpo who had his hands on the American's cheeks. Occasionally, they'd giggle in between kisses and the entire apartment was filled with love and compassion.

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