•Rooftop - Soukoku•

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Dazai stood on the top of the bar's building, it's been six years since Oda's death and he wasn't taking it well. Usually, he'd be too busy to think about the day but his work schedule was empty. Lupin was the last place where he, Oda, and Ango came together for a final laugh.

Slowly, the brunette walks closer to the edge. The way he moved was mindless, like a car on cruise control. Dazai removed his tan coat, then his shoe, and finally his vest. He took a few steps back from the edge before folding his clothes and placing them on a crate with his shoes on top of the stack.

Meanwhile, Chuuya was walking to the Lupin bar to get his wine fix when he saw a figure moving closer to the edge of the rooftop. The ginger squinted to see his former partner on the ledge. After realizing this he used his ability to float up to the rooftop and grabbed Dazai by his collar from behind before pulling him away from the edge.

"What the hell were you thinking you suicidal manic?!"

Dazai didn't reply, which only made Chuuya m more angry.

"Goddamn it mackerel! Answer me!"

"...Oda" the so called "mackerel" replied.

It took the ginger a moment to realize what he was talking about but once he did he let go of the other's shirt.

"That was six years ago Dazai and I honestly think that Oda would beat the shit out of you if he saw you in the afterlife."

"No, I don't think he would. No one would be surprised, I mean, isn't wanting to die my whole personality at this point." The younger said with a fake laugh.

"Can we continue this conversation when we're not on the roof?" Chuuya asked as the cold air circled them.

Dazai nodded and stared to put his vest and coat on before he slipped on his shoes. The petit man made the taller one walk in front of him and down the stairs leading to the first floor of the bar, this was so Dazai couldn't try anything behind his back. They walked out the bar and continued to walk aimlessly.

"You know, as much as I hate you I don't want you to kill yourself." The ginger said, breaking the silence.

"Yeah? Why's that?"

"Who else is going to make fun of me? Who else is going to call me slug or Chibi?"

"Please, you'd be happy to get rid of those nicknames"

"The nicknames, maybe. The person who says the nicknames, absolutely not."


"Because, you were my first love...my only love" Chuuya mumbled the last part.

"That was a long time ago Chuuya"

"Somethings never change"

"What'd you mean?"

"You're still as suicidal as always"

"Not really, at least I don't think I am."


"For the most part. When I was with the Port Mafia I was a lot more depressed and lonely than I am now."


"What about you?" The taller asked as he sat on a park bench they were about to pass.

"What are you talking about mackerel?"

"You haven't changed much since I left either"

"I couldn't disagree with you more"

"I mean, your height hasn't changed"

"Shut up you dimwit!" The ginger said before joining the other on the bench.

"The PM isn't nearly as powerful as it used to be. Now that you're gone"

"I couldn't stay, you know that"

"Correct, but my point still stands"

"What's it like? The PM?"

"Honestly, it's boring. What's the ADA like?"

"They're funny and lively. I'm a lot happier there than here."


"You happy to have me out of your hair?" The brunette asked.

Chuuya moved he legs so he was sitting in the fetal position. Dazai looked over at his former counterpart a bit confused. He genuinely thought that the smaller would be happy to know that he was gone. The two had gotten into a serious argument a few days before his disappearance and had ended their relationship.


"What?" The ginger said trying not to show an emotion.

"Did you miss me?" The brunette asked.

"What'd you think?"

"Were you lonely without me?"

"Why are you asking me so many questions that you already know the answer to?!"

"Fine, I'll ask you one that I don't completely know the answer to. Do you still love me?"

The pair sat silence as the sounds of crickets, cars, and pedestrians entered their ears. The elderly stands up and is about to walk away when the other grabs a hold of his wrist.


"Please, let me go. Stop this."

"Stop what?"

"Just stop"

"You still love me, don't you"

Chuuya stayed silent. Dazai stood up for the bench, still holding onto the other's wrist. The younger moved his hand from the older's wrist and into his hand before pulling him into a hug. Although he was surprised, the ginger returned the hug. Neither of them wanted to move. All they wanted to do was stay in each other's arms and feel the warmth radiating off their bodies. It was Dazai who broke the silence between them.

"Good." The brunette said pulling back but still holding onto Chuuya's hands.


"Yes, very good."

"Why's that?"

"Because...I still love you too"

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