Chapter 5: That Thing In The Past

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The day that Qeef's been dreading is finally here. He's shooting an advertisement with Jess today. A project his management has worked hard to get for a while now. Contract has been signed. There's just no way for Qeef to back out of it at this point.

As soon as he parks his car, he sees Jess amidst the small crowd of the agency people. Laboriously he makes his way to the group, flinching from the thought of meeting Jess.

"Hey handsome" a voice calls out from the group. It's the director, Mr. Chia. Hearing that Jess looks up and smiles at Qeef. A smile to cover up her real feeling for Qeef, disgusted! She's not too keen with the idea of doing the advert with an unknown actor. It's not gonna take her any further in the entertainment industry.

"How are you Qeef? I'm glad you could take a day off from your new project. Sheila told me you've moved on to be the hero in this drama. That's gonna be good for our agency too" greets Mr. Chia enthusiastically. He loves anything that's gonna give his work further mileage. A drama hero starring in his advert will certainly do that.

Jess, observing them closely hears that. Her jaw almost drops to the ground.

"Finally I can call him my boyfriend again" thinks Jess, already loving the idea of going to the premiere by his side. Heck! The award events too at that. She starts to slither her way towards Qeef.

"Hi Sayang. You look so good today. I'm so sorry  I've been missing your calls and texts. Things are just so hectic for me for the past few months." explains Jess trying to come up with an excuse for ghosting Qeef.

"You know right Sayang, that my family is really counting on me to make it big? So I've been working round the clock to make that happen for them" continues Jess, attempting to tap onto his sympathetic sense. He knows Qeef too well. Sob stories always work on him.

"No worries. I've been very busy too." A simple answer from Qeef wanting to get away from her as fast as he could. Turning his attention back to Mr. Chia, to Jess surprise. She can't believe she's being dismissed just like that.

"When are we starting?" Qeef asks the director. Totally ignoring Jess, who's glaring in bewilderment.

"Right now" answers Mr. Chia, and goes on to gather all the agency crew.

"Listen up guys! Let's start with the picnic scene" he calls out.

It feels rather strange and empty for Eli entering the set without Qeef's greeting and flatteries. She is fully aware that Qeef has an advert shoot the whole day today. She didn't really ask much about the shoot when Qeef told her about it. Though she was very curious as to who else is involved, Eli doesn't want to give away too much hints of her budding interest in him.

"Good morning" Eli cheerfully greets the makeup artist, Tina, who's gonna be doing her hair and makeup this morning.

"Good morning Eli. You sure are cheerful this morning, even without Qeef, your partner in crime?" greets the MUA back, reminding Eli of the emptiness she felt a moment ago.

"Oh well, you gotta do what you gotta do," replies Eli, making light of the situation though deep down, she does feel the weight of missing Qeef.

"So true, Eli. Qeef must be enjoying his shoot immensely today. Who wouldn't, when you're shooting with your own girlfriend. Has he mentioned Jess to you? I'm sure he has. I was also one of the MUAs during that last drama you and Qeef worked on? But I left that production half way before you came in coz I was involved in another project. Every time it was my turn to make him up, he never stopped talking about her with Bettina. Poor Betty. She was head over heels with him but all he wanted was to talk about Jess. Jess this, Jess that, Jess likes this, Jess doesn't like that. I think by the end of the first month, Betty gave up trying." Tina goes on and on without being asked. Too excited to share the info.

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