Chapter 3: That Drama

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Eli has just left her management office after a long discussion with her manager, Shark. Eli informed Shark about whom her hero will be for the next drama. Shark is quite surprised to find out that it will be Qeef, a talent from a rival management company. All kind of thoughts plays out in Shark's mind. He doesn't quite like the idea of Eli doing promotional events with Qeef, which means he's gonna have to meet with Sheila whether he likes it or not. He's still not over Sheila's accusation of him stealing her talent. Haziq Mikael wanted to be part of his team. Yes, Shark did poach Haziq, but if Haziq was happy with Sheila's management, he wouldn't have accepted. After all, it is a dog eat dog's world, entertainment industry is. Shark picks up his phone and starts looking for Sheila's number.

"Hello Sheila, long time no hear?" Greets Shark. A tiny hint of arrogance can be detected from his tone of voice.

"Hi Shark. This is certainly a surprise. I can't say it's pleasant, though." Replies Sheila at the other end, on guard. She has an idea what Shark wants, but she's not gonna be the first to say it.

"Ok enough with the pleasantries. Let me get straight to the point. I just found out that my talent will be working with yours in a couple of months. You know that the media is sniffing around and got a whiff of our rivalry, to say the least. But they don't know for sure. So I really hope you're not gonna be dropping hints again. It's not gonna look good for either of us" warns Shark carrying an air of disdain with every word.

"What? Me dropping hints? You must be kidding. Wasn't it you who held a PC to announce Haziq's move? Do you actually think that the media is not gonna put two and two together? You can't be that ignorant, can you?" Replies Sheila sarcastically. Though she manages to control her tone of voice not to yell, but internally she's boiling with anger.

"Can we move on already? How long are you gonna hold your grudge? Be professional, will you? If you feel this strongly about me, you might as well pull your talent out of this project. After all, mine signed the contract first." Suggests Shark provocatively. He likes the sound of Sheila speaking in such a low tone trying not to yell. That sound makes him feel like he's won the argument.

"Hello, for your info, my talent got this offer a couple of months back. He's their first pick unlike your talent who's just a last minute replacement. The production picked her out of desperation, you know. They just have a couple of months left before the shooting starts. So anyone in a skirt will do. Now, who do you think should back down? And please tell your talent to keep her hands to herself and stay away from my talent." challenges Sheila, annoyed.

"This is exactly why a woman shouldn't be at the top. So irrational and unprofessional. It's a waste of my time trying to discuss anything with you. I wish you all the best and I hope this talent is not gonna come running to me too." Says Shark, instigating Sheila, before hanging up the phone on her. He just has to have the last say.

"Good afternoon, Eli. You look nice today." greets Qeef with a huge smile, as soon as Eli walks into the set.

"Awwhh, that's very kind of you, though I doubt the sincerity. I'm wearing old jeans and T-shirt, with no makeup on, and a mess from going all over town with my mom this morning" quips Eli laughingly.

"I am sincere. I guess your reddish cheeks from doing so much in the morning are makeup enough for you already" compliments Qeef further.

"Thank you, I guess? I've gotta go get ready. My call time is in 15 minutes" says Eli rushing away. In all honesty, she cannot take anymore compliments from Qeef. He looks so good in his attire all ready for his next scene with Bettina. He smells really nice and manly too.

Eli's heartbeats are as erratic as her steps trying to get away as fast as possible from that devilishly handsome guy.

Watching Eli quickly walks away from him is a sight that Qeef finds incomprehensibly difficult. He suddenly realises that he wants Eli much more than he thinks he did.

"But this is not what I need! I need to focus on my career. I need to prove to myself that I can be better than what others think of me. I don't even know if she's interested in me, to begin with. From the look of it, she certainly has no interest at all. Well, we are talking about a rich beautiful girl with mixed blood here. I should lock my heart in a safe and throw away the key before I regret it." A battle between heart and mind is brewing.

"Qeef, can we rehearse the next scene?" asks Bettina in the softest voice she can forge.

"Haven't we had enough practice already? I had to stay back two extra hours yesterday to help you rehearse. That should be enough." replies Qeef firmly, walking away rather annoyed. He has had enough of her drama.

"Hey handsome, what's with that long face?" Says someone behind him. Qeef turns to see a smiling Eli. She's all dressed up and ready for her scene. Whatever displeasure he felt before subsided. He smiles, an honest to goodness smile.

"Wow, you look amazing in that dress. What scene are you doing?" he asks.

"Oh, candle light dinner with Nazir" informs Eli. Qeef feels a pang in his heart. How he wishes he could exchange places with Nazir at that very moment.

"I've been meaning to ask you a favour. We're doing a scene of me coming on to you tomorrow morning, right? I seriously don't have a clue how to do that. Would it be possible for you to stay back tonight to rehearse it with me? I promise not to take up too much of your time" requests Eli.

"Yeah sure, why not. I should be finished by 7. So I'll see you then?" agrees Qeef playing it cool, though he actually wants to jump and dance around hearing that request.

Ever since that first time they rehearsed together, they started becoming closer and closer. Every spare time they have is spent on rehearsing or fooling around together. Playing spies, running around the set, dancing at the parking lot and all sorts of games they can think of. Just the two of them. A whole week of being lost in their own world, having so much fun. Not caring nor aware of the pair of envious eyes constantly leering at them, scorching hot with rage and jealousy.

In what feels like minutes to them, it's already time to wrap up the shoot. They say their goodbyes to the director, production crew and all the other casts except for Bettina who is nowhere to be found. Everyone feels the sadness of the final moments together but all the sadness combined is not comparable to what Qeef and Eli are feeling.

"Thank you Qeef... for... for all your help and support and also... making these last few days as enjoyable as it can be for me" Eli stutters, holding back tears that are threatening to pour out at any moment.

Qeef smiles despite the massive weight in his heart. It's too painful to think that he's not gonna be able to see her face for over a month. But they have made a promise with each other. They are not to stay in touch until the day they start the next project in January. They both know what the situation is with their managements. They don't want to be the ones to add fuel to their fires.

"I'll see you in January, Eli. I can't wait to see that beautiful face again. I just wish I could speed up time" bids Qeef, smiling a sad smile. Trying to control his emotions.

"I've gotta go now. Mom's waiting for me in the car" says Eli, unconsciously caressing Qeef's cheek one last time. Qeef in turn takes a hold of Eli's face, wipes the tears that Eli doesn't even realize have fallen, with his fingers.

"I'm gonna miss you real bad, my dream come true." whispers Qeef under his breath.

Eli doesn't wait to ask what he means by that coz her tears are now flowing out of control. Not gonna wait another second longer, Eli practically runs towards her mom's car.

Qeef stands frozen with teary eyes watching her go. He almost doesn't even blink until the car carrying his Eli is out of sight.

To be continued

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