chapt 2 | ♡

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The partner dance was something Lee Know came up with when the comp was first announced. two people on the dance team would be selected to dance as partners for the last 2 minutes of our preformance. He had already chosen me but he was waiting for someone perfect for the girls roll, well at least until his sister asked to join the team.

The next day at practice Lee Know walked in late with Y/N. As we finished up stretches Lee Know spoke up. "i'm so sorry for being late guys. something came up and i had to attend to it quickly but anyway meet Y/N my sister. she will be joining us in our upcoming comp as Felixs' dance partner." Y/N gave a weak smile as she waved at the dance group. Again i couldn't help but smile but i felt like something was wrong. shaking it off we continued with practice.

we started to work on the last 2 minutes of the choreo so that y/n and I would have time to work on our own partners choreo before comps. Y/N had already learned the first minute on her own with the help of her brother. after 30 minutes we took a 10 minute break to just relax. we all fell to the floor and just continued to lay there.

as i scrolled on my phone Hyunjin was talking nonsense beside me. i tuned him out but as i do I see a figure standing infront of me. it was Y/N. i motioned for her to sit infront of me and she did.

"hi! Y/N was it?" she nodded and i continued. "so what brings you over here?" i asked tilting my head.

"oh. well my brother told me i should come over and get to know you since you know..we are doing the partner dance together" Y/N said with a smile that i couldn't help but return.

"OH OF COURSE HOW COULD I FORGET!" i yelled as everyone turned to see why i was yelling. i quieted down and muttered a little "sorry" as everyone continued on with what they were doing.  Y/N laughed and we spent the rest of that break talking about god knows what. by the end of break i felt like i've know Y/N my whole life. but i couldn't help but have these funny feelings in my stomach. 'don't tell me i'm starting to catch feelings..' i thought to myself as Lee Know called us back into position. 'no impossible. i've known her for barely a day' Hyunjin scooted over to my side and whispered "does someone have a crush~" i punched him as he silently "cried" and we continued on with our dance practice.

our last dance | felix x readerWhere stories live. Discover now