chapt 3 | practice

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as weeks went by our team had finally perfected the whole dance, all that was left to do was think of a choreo for the partner dance.

as we all sat around the room Y/N and i took notes on what our peers suggested we do to get high marks. some suggested we do a tango since our main dance was hip hop and it would supposedly wow the judges, while others suggested we did a contemporary solo where the music switches to a mello beat and we tell a story with our body.

all their ideas were great and all but when it came to a voting the contemporary solo won. everyone was excited for what we would come up with. we decided on a song from 'Hamilton' called 'The Story of Tonight'. we asked our producer friend Chris if he could make us a track with both songs transitioning one after another so we wouldn't have trouble in the future and he agreed. all that was left to do was think of a choreo.

we had 3 month left before comps roll around and when i tell you i was nervous i'm serious. literally shaking in my boots.

Lee Know gave the other dancers a month off since the comp was just around the corner. the break would be great since we all have been working our asses off for the past two months. with everyone out of the dance studio it gave Y/N and i some time alone to practice.

as we sat in the large empty dance studio listening to the music we as a group chose, i couldn't help but stare at Y/N from time to time. the way she tried to think of moves as the music played was so..adorable who wouldn't smile. Lee Know dropped by from time to time to help us out a bit. we all took turns showing some dance move we could do to truly express the song and before we knew it we were already a minute in.

"i was thinking we could maybe do something like this" Y/N said as she got up and pulled me up with her. she stood me in front of the mirror in which she continued to position me. as she inched closer to my body i couldn't help but blush. 'too close..' i thought as it got harder to breathe or move. she moved in closer to me. she had her hands on my waist as she showed me what she thought would fit our dance. "maybe at this part of the song i could go infront of you and you spin me forward like-" before she could finish she tripped over god knows what and we ended up in a dip position. "l-like this.." she stuttered as we both turned pink. i carefully sat her down. "o-oh..yeah that sounds good we could definitely add that" i say to not make this practice go awkward.

'my heart is beating so fast i think i'll explode'

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