chapt 11 | one more day

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it stayed quiet for a while. I don't know how long I stayed knocked out but all I know is I'm in some hospital room. I could hear the loud beeping sounds of the machines the doctors had attached to me, the worried voices of my family members, I could hear the faint sob of Felix who sat beside me holding my hands but for some reason I couldn't open my eyes, I couldn't move, and I couldn't mouth any words. the sound of the door slamming shut rang in my ears and I assumed the person entering the room was a doctor. I began to hear them speak. "we have no way of knowing how long she will be in this coma. its been a week now but who knows if this will take months, years, she might not even wake up" 'me? not wake up? wait I've been out for how long??' I thought as I was listening to this conversation the doctor was having with everyone in the room. the worried voices of my loved ones filled my ears again and all I wanted to do was jump up from my bed and tell them this was all a joke and I was just pranking them..but I couldn't. 

it stayed like this for another week. my parents would come in and out of my room leaving because they still had to get to work, Lino visited every morning and returned later at night to watch me, and Felix..where do I even begin? Felix spent all his free time with me. he spent his days telling me the things he's been up to, how we had gotten first place at the competition even though half the team wasn't there to receive the trophy because they had all rushed to the hospital with Felix and Lino because of how worried they were for me. the judges told our team how much they enjoyed our little duet together at the end. he read me stories, played those TikTok reddit stories, and even read TikTok comments he found funny knowing I would have laughed at them too. I liked to pretend I was the princess in the stories he read me and he was the prince. I really wished his true loves kiss would break my spell and help me wake up but life wasn't a fairytale. I couldn't stand seeing nothing anymore, I wanted to see Felix. I wanted to see my family, my friends, everyone who I held dear to me just one more time. I kept praying I could just have one more day with everyone, that's all I wanted. I knew that this was the end. that this hospital bed was where I was going to say my final goodbyes to everyone, my final goodbye to Felix. I guess god answered my prayers. (sorry if u don't believe in god or ur js an atheist)

I woke up that night. the first person I met eyes with was non other than Felix. his eyes had bags under them and he was fighting the urge to not fall asleep until his eyes met my eyes and he jumped up from his seat and yelled for the doctors. Lino was laying down on my left side and also jumped at the sound of Felix's voice. 

the doctor examined me while my family sat in the hallway. "I know I don't have much time left.." I told the doctor examining me. she stopped for a second, "y/n..dont talk like that" she said before resuming to her task. "you and I both know I'm not going to make it through the week,  my body knows and I know you're going to tell my family but please, don't tell them. they are going to try and save me but I don't want to be saved anymore. I've suffered enough..theyve suffered enough." the doctor grew silent. I got up to look at her and she was crying 'talk about being professional' I thought before taking a big sigh. I opened my arms to offer her a hug and she took the offer. "you're so brave y/n" 'im terrified.'

the next day I spent time with my parents and Lino. Felix was busy that day so I spent my time with my family. the doctor granted my wish and promised not to say anything to my parents other than if my charts look good I would most likely be able to be released within the next week or two. we spent the day bonding as a family just like we used to. I kept a smile on my face that day. I smiled bigger than I have ever smiled in a while. if this was going to be the last time I see them I want them to remember my last days being happy. 

the following day Felix asked my parents if he could take me out to the yard for a "date" and they agreed. he rolled me in my wheelchair to the yard where most of the patients went to get fresh air. when we got there everything was decorated with balloons, streamers, and my favorite flowers..lilies. I laughed at the sight while inside I was crying. Hyunjin popped out from behind the big things of balloons and ran to me and gave me the biggest bear hug. "surprise!!!" the two boys said spreading their arms up into the sky. I couldn't help but laugh at the sight. the three of us..later four since my brother came shortly after laughed a lot that day. by the time it hit 3 Lino and Hyunjin had to go leaving just me and Felix. Felix lifted me up from my wheelchair to place me on the porch swing under this tree. we sat there and talked for another couple hours. 

"y/n im so excited for when you are able to go home! we are going to go on so many dates to make up for all that time we lost!" Felix said grabbing my hands all excited. "OH YESS! where should we go once I get out? lets make a list" I said as I took out my phone and made a list. we began to make a list of places we'd go, things we wanted to do. I had so much fun making the list even though I knew deep down it would never come true. as we neared the end of our countless ideas I pressed send and heard the text message go through to my phone.he looked down at his phone to see I had sent him a picture of the list we had just spent an hour making. "just so you don't forget dummy"  I looked up at Felix's smiling face, his eyes twinkled as the stars reflected into his eyes. I couldn't help but smile. I found myself tracing the freckles on his face before he pulled me into a long kiss. "I love you Lee y/n" "I love YOU Lee Felix"

that night Felix brought me back to my room. the rest of my family was already there. he sat me onto my bed before I gave everyone one last big smile. "I love you guys so much. and I'm going to miss every single one of you when I'm gone" I said tearing up. they all began to protest and told me not to speak in such way but I just gave them a big smile before going to sleep.

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