chapt 8 | fallin'

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it was about 3 weeks before our comp now and our team has done everything in our power to be as ready/prepared as we could be for this and i think our hard work really payed off.

as we ran through the dance for the 50th time today i noticed y/ns movements being a bit sloppier than usual, like she could barely keep herself up and steady. when we got to the part of the duet where i spun her into a dip she collapsed in my arms and we both landed on the floor with me breaking her fall so she wouldn't get as hurt as she probably already was. Lino and Hyunjin rushed over to us to help us out and the 4 of us rushed to the hospital while we told the rest of the team to go home for the day. in the car y/n layed her head on my lap and i stroked her hair while Lino told me everything. from when they found out about her condition to her condition now.

"she didn't want you to know because she knew you'd be worried. it's been a lot better since she met you though i give you that..i don't know what set it off this time though." Lino said as we sat by her hospital bed. watching her in this state broke me. i wish i could do something to help her but i knew nothing would help, all i could do was be by her side through this all. "i'm just glad she's okay." i said placing her hand in mine.

she stayed in the hospital for three days before she was able to go back home. i spent those days with her from when she woke up to the moment she went to sleep. i made sure i was always there for her..because i love her.

Lino's pov:

(the day they arrived at the hospital)
"Felix you should go home..i'll take it from here" Felix nodded and gave y/n a kiss on her forehead before getting up and going home.

a little later in the evening when y/n had woken up, the doctor came in to tell us some news. "so we ran some tests again and it shows that you're body is getting weaker by the day..we don't know for sure how long you'll be able all we can say is to live life to the best of your ability. i'm so sorry y/n we tried our best. your life is slowly coming to an end.." the doctor bowed before leaving the room to let us process what we just learned. our parents were here now and we all formed a big hug. our parents and i were crying but y/n..she was smiling. "don't cry guys..i've been suffering for as long as i could remember and to know that it's going to end soon makes me glad. i don't have to suffer anymore. i'm free" y/n said smiling. but i knew what she was saying was bullshit.

my parents and i had left y/n to go eat in the cafeteria for a bit when i realized i left my phone in the room so i ran back to get it. before opening the door i heard faint sobs coming from inside. it was y/n. i ran in to give her a hug and she started to calm down. "please don't tell Felix anything. i don't want him to worry..he'll find out when the time comes. let's make sure he's happy until it's time"

i nodded in agreement.

i respected her wishes.

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