chapt 6 | lil date

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approaching y/ns house the next day made me nervous. 'what if i embarrass myself again?' i thought as i was about to knock on the door. i was about to turn around and just cancel out of fear when Lino opened the door.

"oh. Felix? you're here earlier than expected. y/ns still getting ready. come in" Lino said as he gestured me to come inside.

i sat myself down on the couch as Lino joined me. the atmosphere in the room was very..awkward. i cleared my throat before trying to start up a conversation when Lino beat me to it.



"bring her home by 9pm" Lino said looking at me. I nodded and gave him an awkward smile.

a little later y/n walked downstairs in a light pink dress, white sneakers, and a necklace Lino had gifted her recently. her hair was parted at her sides and she was so pretty. as we waved goodbye to Lino we went on our way.

upon arriving at the amusement park we ventured to different booths and rides trying to decide what to do first. at first it was awkward since we both refused to try making moves on each other until I decided to grow some balls and try to hold y/ns hand. luckily she inner locked her hands into mine the second I brushed my hand against hers. after much thinking we decided to go on the carousal first. when we got on the ride we began to muck around and be our usually selves again, the ones who didn't know about the feelings we both mutually shared with each other and didn't care if the whole world was watching.

the whole day was filled with laughs and was overall a great day. we took millions of pictures together loosing track of time, but when I'm with y/n its like time stops..because she's my whole world. while watching the fireworks with y/n on the balcony of the castle I turned to look at her and took in her presence. 'I think I really like her' I thought as I watched her grin at fireworks exploding in the night sky. without thinking I spun y/n around just like in our dance routine to the point where we were inches away and dropped the biggest bomb.."y/n..I think I like you. NO I think I'm in love with you. I know it hasn't been that long since we've known each other and your brother is probably going to killing me AND-" before I could go on I felt her lips press against mine. "yes Felix ill be you're girlfriend. and I love you too."

our last dance | felix x readerWhere stories live. Discover now