chapt 13 | the end

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I jerked up 'it happened again' i thought as i tried to catch my breathe. waking up in a cold sweat i processed what i had been constantly reliving in my dream these past years. it's been 3 years since Y/N's passing..and i still cant let her go. i got a call from Lee Know asking if i remembered what day it was. how could i not? he told me how he had just visited her grave and cleaned it up a bit. "maybe it would help if you just visit her. you haven't visited the grave since her burial..maybe-" i cut him off "i'll think about it" i ended the call. as i sat in bed i started to remember what we could've done. those dates we planned we would go on after she was 'released' from the hospital, those nights we spent together engulfed in each others arms not caring about anything else in the world. all that mattered was us.

"maybe it's time i visit first love" i whispered to myself as i forced myself to go get ready. i picked up some lilies, her favorite flower and headed to the grave.

as i stood infront of her grave all our memories together started flooding in..the day we met, the day we confessed, our first kiss, our last dance. i smiled remembering all our precious times together. as i inched closer i set the lillie's i had just bought in the vase lee know set specifically for me knowing i would one day eventually visit. as i set them down i feel a warm breeze pass me..i know it's her. i sat there, talking to her knowing that she was probably listening. i told her how much i missed her, what i've been up to lately just like thought days in the hospital.

i stayed with her there until sunset not wanting to leave. as i looked up at the shadow that had stood over me i smiled. it was Lee Know. "i knew you'd come" he said as he took a seat next to me infront of her grave. he started again, "i know she misses you as much as you miss her" i started to tear up. "i feel like finally visiting her lifted a weight off my shoulder" lee know laughed as we got up. we said one last goodbye and left.

a few months later:

"OKAY GUYS TAKE 5" Lee Know announced as we collapsed to the floor. comps were in less than a month which meant we had to perfect this routine. "dude i am so tired" hyunjin said using me as a pillow. i sighed as i went on my phone. after our break we continued for another hour until we had finished. as always i was left behind by everyone as i packed my stuff.

as i was leaving lee know stopped me "Felix i want you to meet eve" a girl around 5'3 appeared behind lee know. "hi!" she said with a smile. "hi!." i reply back with a smile. "its nice to meet you eve."


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