chapt 10 | our dance

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(y/ns pov)

It's the day of the competition and I feel myself growing weaker by the day. I feel my days slowly coming to an end but I'm not afraid anymore. the morning of the competition I laid in bed feeling lifeless. i yelled for my brother with all the strength I had left and he rushed up with some juice for my low blood sugar. it helped for a bit but that was when I knew I didn't have much time left. "are you sure you have enough energy to go through with todays performance? we can always cut you out of the-" "no I'm doing this" I interrupted 'besides I don't know how long I have left..' I was somewhat joking at first but now I can't believe this might actually be my last dance.

I went downstairs after regaining my strength and Felix had just walked through the front door. I gave him a kiss before going to the kitchen to get some food while he went to take off his shoes. I tried my best to act like I was fine even though Lino kept looking at me with a 'you better tell him before its too late' face but I kept ignoring him. if these actually are one of my last days I don't want it to be spent like a countdown. I know I should have told him but knowing Felix he would not dismiss the news as nothing. 

We sat and ate as if everything was okay that morning before heading over to the studio to meet up with the rest of the team to head over to the competition hall. arriving there we were greeted with all these bright decorations. the door was decorated with balloons, the judges table was filled with gifts and presents from other dance teams to try and bribe them, and even the chairs for the audience were decorated with streamers. walking into the venue I felt like I was in a movie. we quickly made our way to the back to warm up, we were the second group to preform which calmed me down a bit because I didn't know how long I could keep pretending to be okay before I crash. since the competition didn't start for another hour Felix, Hyunjin, Lino and I sat in a corner to just talk. I laid my head on Felix's shoulder and played with his hand while he and the other two boys talked about god knows what. the whole time I was playing with Felix's hand I started thinking of the worst case scenarios if I did actually leave Felix. with my sickness I knew I wasn't going to be with him forever like we had always said we would and even if that was possible Felix would have to care for me my entire life and I don't want to burden him with that. part of me wanted to break up with him so he could feel less pain if or when I pass. I know that seems selfish but I wanted to do what was best for him. I finally snapped out of my trance when the announcer called our team to wait in the wings for our turn since the first team was just starting. we rushed to our places backstage, I was in the back with Felix. 

(Felix pov)

I took a deep breathe when me and y/n made it to our spot. I noticed she was getting really fidgety so I grabbed her hand to calm her down. she looked up and me and smiled and I returned it. "I love you Felix" she said before she hugged me. I was taken aback "where is this all coming from?" I said before wrapping my arms around her too. "can't a girlfriend say I love you to her boyfriend?" she mumbled into my chest.

as the first team finished we got ready to go on stage. we gave the performance our all, our whole team did. right before it was time for our solo Lino signaled for us to go off stage to prepare we casually danced our way to the wing and got ready. while we were waiting for our cue y/n suddenly looked at me teary eyed. I wiped her tears before kissing her. "lets dance like its our last dance out there okay Felix." again I was taken aback with her choice of words but chose to ignore it "lets dance like its only the two of us and no one is watching" I said before holding out my hand for her to grab since our part was coming on. as the first song ended the rest of the team slowly made it to the wings while y/n and I walked onto stage and the song transitioned to the one we had previously picked months ago. as we danced I remembered all the memories we spent together. the day we met, the day we confessed, our first kiss, and now our first dance. we've done so much together these past months and I can't wait to experience more of them with her for the rest of our life. maybe I was getting ahead of myself but I started to picture what our future would look like. like how I would. prepose to her, how our wedding would look like, buying a house together. all these endless possibilities of what our future would hold. I knew she was the one for me, the only one I loved.

(y/ns pov)

as the end of the song came close we got ready for our final dip. we smiled at each other before he spun me into his arms and the audience cheered. the rest of the team all got back onto stage and we all bowed. as we all got back to the back room and we all cheered in excitement. Felix hugged me tightly and kept going on about how we did amazing but my head began to spin. before I could even mouth what I was feeling I fell into Felix's arms just like in our dance but this time it wasn't on purpose. as panic arose the voices became this loud fuzzy noise slowly getting quieter and quieter until everything went dark. silence.

our last dance | felix x readerWhere stories live. Discover now