chapt 4 | y/n's pov

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2 months ago:

"please please please can i join your dance team oppa" i asked my brother as we both stood outside his dance room after practice.

"ew..since when do you call me oppa?" he said pushing my jokingly

"since now. PLEASE ILL START CRYING IF YOU DONT LET ME" i pleaded again

"look. it's not that i don't want you to, of course i want you on my dance team, you're a great dancer. but your condition.." i cut him off, "my condition? seriously? that's what your scared of? seriously Lino i feel a lot better and i know you know (lee know) i do.." i paused before continuing "oppa i don't know how much time i have left..the least you could do is let me join for this one comp. for all we know it could be my last." he started to tear up. i hated seeing him like this.

• • •

i've been sick for quite some times now. i found out two years ago..the doctors don't know what i have but they have enough information to know it's getting pretty severe. for months at a time i'd be cooped up in hospital after hospital getting tests run on me to see if they could somehow find out what's wrong with me. as of right now they aren't successful. for now i'm a lot better than i was. the doctors say i could continue on with my normal life for now but to just be careful.

• • •

"Y/N. don't talk like that." was all Lee Know managed to say. i hugged him. tight. "i'm sorry it's just. it's been years since i've been able to be out of the hospital for this long. i want it to be as if i'm not sick." after some thinking Lino finally agreed. as i excitedly hugged him a guy around my age walked out the room 'i didn't even know someone was still here..i hope he didn't hear' i looked up at the guy and noticed how attractive he was and his freckles.. 'cute' i thought.

"Felix this is my sister Y/N. she'll be doing the partner dance with you" Lee Know looked back at me and winked. i mouthed a 'thank you' as i turned to the boy and smiled. he returned it before leaving.

the next day i excitedly got ready for dance. it was my first day on the team. as i was walking to my brothers room i suddenly collapsed. after hearing the thud lee know rushed out of his room to see what happened. i was on the floor unable to function. i felt..hopeless.

as my brother lifted me up and hurriedly rushed me to the hospital i couldn't help but feel like a burden. 'he's missing his practice because of me' was all i thought as they check my blood pressure. after running tests they told me my blood pressure was low due to some complications they found in my system leading to what had happened. luckily they released me and allowed us to still make it to dance practice. as much as Lino didn't want me to go after what had happened i wouldn't take no for an answer.

a couple weeks later:

when i woke up i felt light headed. 'not again..' i thought as i tried to get up. luckily lino came in and noticed, he sighed "again?" i nodded and he went back downstairs to get me something to eat. after eatting i felt a lot better than before.

lino looked nervous when he went to drop me off at practice. "look i'll be fine." i said as i gave him a reassuring smile but in reality i was honestly scared. 'what if something happens and Felix freaks out what if i pass out..' i thought. as fear flooded my thoughts Lino got out of the car with me. "look. i wont stay in the studio with you two but i'll drop by a couple times to make sure you're okay." i nodded and we both went in.

Felix and i practiced that whole day. my body was starting to give up but i was committed to this dance so i shook it off. i knew i shouldn't have pushed myself too hard but i didn't want to hold Felix back because of how i felt. as i sat down next to Felix the song continued to play. i pictured us dancing to the beat when an idea came to mind. as i weakly got up dragging Felix up with me i started to show him the move i thought of. suddenly i felt my legs giving up making Felix think i tripped on air. he caught me in a dip and as we were inches apart. i blushed as i looked away. "s-sorry about that Felix" he sat me back down on the floor gently and handed me my water.

'what is this feeling..?'

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