chapt 9 | love lee

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(Felix pov)

y/n was released the following week and everything went back to normal. we spent our days practicing for the competition and nights hanging out at y/ns house. for the most part we tried to forget about what had happened at the hospital that day. i try not to bring it up because i knew she had a good reason for keeping me in the dark about her condition even though i hated the thought of not knowing anything. but the most i can do is be here as her bf.

our comp was in less than 5 days now and we were 99% sure we were absolutly nailing this. as i walked home with y/n after practice that day i felt this presence in the air that made me uneasy and i knew it was making y/n uneasy too. before we crosses the street y/n held me back. "do you think we could maybe go to that cafe for a bit? i don't feel like going home just yet." she asked tugging on my hoodie sleeve. i nodded and we walked into the cafe.

we both ordered iced americanos even though the weather in Seoul right now was freezing but we both didnt care. as we sat at a table drinking our iced americanos and the slice of cheesecake we decided to share, i again began to feel this dark presence until y/n spoke up. "felix, you know i love you..right?" she said playing with her fork before finally taking a bite of some cheesecake. i paused for a second, "and i love you so much more lee y/n. i love you more than you could ever imagine. i cant imagine you not being in my life-" before i could finish my sentence she interrupted, "but what if im not in your life anymore? what if im gone and you're left here without me? what happens then" she suddenly said louder causing the other few customers in the shop to turn in our direction. i was speechless. where was all this coming from? i took a deep breath and grabbed her hands..she was shaking. i looked up to her face and saw tears swelling up in her eyes. "hey..its okay..whatever you are going through we'll get through this together. you arent alone y/n you have me and your brother even the whole dance team has your back!" i smiled at her and she returned the smile with a weak one.

i should have known then that something was wrong that day but i was in denial of what had already happened.

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