Chapter One - The Press Conference

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"You nervous?" Melissa asked as she stood closely beside me, rubbing her slender hands together.

We were backstage at the Silverstone circuit, preparing for my Formula 1 debut press conference. Nervous? Pfft, never even heard of it.

I blew out my cheeks as I peered around the thick stage curtain. The orange seats of the paddock's media centre were swimming with buzzing bodies, each of which was bubbling and bumbling with inaudible chatter. "Nope. Not nervous." I quickly snapped the curtains shut, turned to Mel, and gave her my biggest smile. For those with pining imaginations, said biggest smile was the most fake smile I had ever mustered.

Her eyes narrowed on me, and a single thin eyebrow lifted. "You lying to me?"

I blinked. And blinked again. "Yes. I am. I'm bloody terrified. That's a lot of people, Mel."

Melissa, my racing manager since I was 7 years old, was a master at comforting me. She knew my every trait and habit, most likely more than I knew them myself. She soon stood behind me, placing her hands on either one of my shoulders, giving them a reassuring squeeze. "You've got nothing to be nervous about, kid. You've done press before."

"I know." I exhaled shakily. "But that was different. There were less people when I was in F2, and less pressure, and I had my mum." I exhaled, gnawing at the side of my thumb. "My dad is out there somewhere, though."

Melissa's hands patted my shoulders. "Exactly! I can just picture his smiley face now, sitting there in the audience. He's so proud of you, Ana. We all are. Your mum, too." She offered another comforting squeeze. "Plus, this will be easy press. You're prepped. If you run out of things to say, just turn to Lando. You know that kid can talk for decades."

I chuckled. Mel was right, which was nothing new. I had been formally introduced to my new teammate, Lando Norris, 4 weeks ago. He was particularly easy to get on with, and I was pleased to be walking into this intimidating life experience with a friend.

Before I could say anything in response, I heard the interviewers voice begin to boom over a microphone from the other side of the curtain. I knew that voice. It was Natalie Pinkham. She'd interviewed me at least a hundred times in Formula 2 and 3. The most minuscule wave of relief flashed through my body.

"Now, we're here at Silverstone for quite a special occasion, today. We are, indeed, hosting a debut press conference!" Her voice echoed behind the curtain.

I combed my hair through my fingers, making sure I didn't resemble some sort of electrocuted porcupine, and brushed down my clothes. I was, of course, clad in the signature black-and-orange McLaren team shirt.

"You've got this, kid." Mel gave me a sweet kiss on the cheek.

Natalie's voice ricocheted once again. "Ahead of the 2024 FIA Formula 1 Grand Prix, McLaren are pleased to announce their newest driver, Miss Anastasia Henderson!"

Applause erupted through the media centre as I set foot on the stage. The lights were bright and warm on my skin, and truthfully, I was surprised my legs actually managed to carry me across the platform. Grinning at the presenter, I waved at the sea of audience members. My heart began to thump heavily at the sight of them waving back. It was not nerves, though. Seeing those strangers waving and clapping as I walked before them made my heart grow full of pride and joy, and all sense of tension simply slipped away.

As I greeted Natalie with a hand shake and a smile, she introduced my teammate, Lando, along with the CEO of McLaren, Zak Brown. The three of us perched upon an amber coach, myself in between the two men, whilst Natalie sat on a matching armchair just opposite.

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