Chapter Forty Four - The Time That Came

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The night of the Las Vegas Grand Prix crackled with a unique energy. The neon lights of the Strip bathed everything in a surreal glow, making the paddock feel like a scene straight out of a movie. As I stood in the team's garage, the hum of anticipation buzzed around me, blending with the distant roar of the crowd.

I took a deep breath, trying to center myself. Tonight was my first time racing in Vegas, and I could feel the weight of the expectations pressing down on me. The city itself was an assault on the senses, and the race promised to be just as intense. But first, I had to go through my pre-race rituals.

I slipped away to a quiet corner of the garage and pulled out my blood sugar monitor. This was a routine I never skipped, not even on race days. The little device beeped softly as it pricked my finger, and I watched the numbers appear on the screen. All clear. Good.

"Hey, Ana." Lando called from across the garage, a playful grin on his face. "Ready to dance your nerves away?"

I laughed, shaking off the last bit of tension. "You know me too well."

I popped in my earbuds and scrolled through my playlist until I found my favorite ABBA song, "Dancing Queen." The familiar opening notes filled my ears, and I couldn't help but smile. I started moving to the beat, letting the music wash over me. It was silly, but it worked. My body relaxed, and the rhythm steadied my heartbeat.

Lando joined in, mimicking my dance moves with exaggerated flair. "You can dance, you can jive." He sang along, twirling around.

"Having the time of your life." I finished, laughing. The sight of Lando dancing like a maniac was just what I needed.

As the song played, I glanced around the paddock. The other drivers were getting into their own pre-race zones. Some were stretching, others talking strategy with their engineers. Then there was me. Dancing.

Charles was nearby, deep in conversation with his team, but he caught my eye and gave me a reassuring nod.

The crowd outside the paddock was a living entity, pulsating with excitement. I could hear their cheers, their chants, and the occasional blast of music from the pre-race festivities. Las Vegas knew how to put on a show, and tonight was no different. The energy was contagious, and I felt it seep into my veins, transforming my nerves into determination.

I finished my dance with a flourish, pulling out my earbuds and grinning at Lando. "Thanks for that."

"Anytime." He said, still catching his breath. "Just remember to save some of that energy for the track."

"I will." I promised, feeling a renewed sense of focus. I headed over to my car, where my team was making final adjustments.

Fred Vasseur approached me, his usual calm demeanor a steadying presence. "How are you feeling, Anastasia?"

"Nervous, but ready." I admitted. "Vegas is...a lot."

He nodded, understanding. "Just remember, it's another race. You've trained for this. Trust yourself and the car. And remember, it's supposed to be fun."

I smiled, appreciating his support. "Thanks, Fred."

He patted my shoulder and moved on to check in with Charles. I took a moment to sit in the car, running my hands over the steering wheel, familiarizing myself with the controls. This was my sanctuary, my place of power. The noise, the lights, the pressure—they all faded away when I was behind the wheel.

My engineer came over, headset in place. "Five minutes to go, Ana. You good?"

"Yeah," I said, nodding. "Let's do this."

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