Chapter Fifteen - The Family Reunion

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The excitement bubbled within me as I headed to the airport to pick up two of the most important people in my life—my dad and my sister. The team had kindly offered to arrange their transportation, but the thought of not being there to welcome them myself was inconceivable.

The drive to the airport in Australia was an experience in itself—a picturesque journey framed by the breathtaking landscapes and the promise of adventure lingering in the air. As I navigated the winding roads, each turn revealed a canvas of natural beauty that seemed straight out of a postcard.

The sun painted the sky in a symphony of colors, casting a warm glow over the surroundings. The rustling leaves of eucalyptus trees whispered in the gentle breeze, their fragrance mingling with the scent of the ocean carried from afar.

The road stretched ahead, a ribbon of asphalt bordered by sprawling greenery and occasional glimpses of the shimmering coastline. The rhythm of the drive was a soothing melody, the hum of the engine harmonizing with the tranquil ambiance of the surroundings.

The journey to the airport was filled with anticipation, memories flooding my mind—flashbacks of their unwavering support, their encouragement throughout my journey in Formula 1. As the airport came into view, my heart raced with excitement, and I could hardly contain the joy of their imminent arrival.

Luckily, my incognito outfit of dark sunglasses and a baseball cap kept me out of the eye of any lurking paparazzi, and I managed to enter the airport unscathed of publicity.

Standing amidst the bustling arrivals terminal, I scanned the faces eagerly, awaiting the familiar sight of my dad and sister. The anticipation soared, every passing moment feeling like an eternity. And then, amidst the crowd, their faces emerged—beaming smiles that lit up the entire terminal.

The sight of my dad's proud grin and my sister's infectious enthusiasm brought an overwhelming rush of emotions. As they approached, a rush of joy enveloped me, a feeling of warmth that transcended words. The tight embrace, the shared laughter, were precious moments that made the world stand still.

"My God, am I glad to see you two." I squeezed the pair of them, never wanting to let go. "Now this, Miss Evie, how was your flight?" I tapped the end of my sister's nose with the tip of my nail.

She beamed up at me, blonde locks bopping against her arms as she bounced with excitement. "I watched the iPad the whole time!"

My dad leaned towards my ear. "She fell asleep about an hour in and woke up and hour out."

I concealed a snort of laughter as I looked down at my sister. She looked just like our dad, but her eyes were all our mother. Bright, brown and twinkling in just the same way. I ruffled her hair and picked up her small suitcase so that she could walk freely to the car.

"Come on then, you two. Let's go to the hotel." I smiled, feeling pure joy bubbling in my stomach at the mere thought of being surrounded by my remaining family. A small pang struck at my heart as I remembered that this was the first live race that they had attended and my mother had not, but I knew that every race I took part in was now dedicated to her.

The car hummed gently as I maneuvered through the Australian roads, the air rich with the lingering excitement of our airport reunion. Beside me sat my father, a pillar of unwavering support, and my little sister in the back, brimming with enthusiasm, their presence transforming the car into a cocoon of warmth and familiarity.

The drive back from the airport was woven with laughter, animated chatter, and the joyous energy that only family could bring. My sister's stories danced through the air, her excitement palpable as she shared her eagerness to experience the world of Formula 1 firsthand.

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