Chapter Thirty Four - The Thorn?

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"Mel, I feel sick." I tapped a fingernail against my bared teeth, anticipating the godforsaken inevitable. "They're going to ask him, I just know it."

On the screen in front of me was the usual driver press conference prior to the Hungary Grand Prix. Charles, Logan, George, Esteban and Niko sat with microphones in their hands, answering an army of questions that were being thrown at them from fans and journalists.

As I watched the press conference unfold on the television screen backstage, my heart sunk into my stomach as the journalist's question turned towards me. It was a moment I had been dreading, knowing that the topic of my uncertain future would inevitably resurface in the public eye.

My stomach churned with anxiety as Charles faced the barrage of questions, his composure unwavering despite the sudden shift in focus. And then it happened.

"Charles, we all heard Ana's team radios and her reaction to your crash at Silverstone. What's your thoughts on the fact that your girlfriend is out of a seat next season?"

I winced inwardly, bracing myself for the fallout. "Oh God, it's worse than I thought. This isn't fair on him! They didn't just ask him about my seat, they called me his girlfriend in front of all of those cameras! I should be out there to talk for myself." I groaned. "Oh, God, I'm going to throw up."

Mel rubbed a supportive hand between by shoulder blades. "Don't worry, he's done a thousand press conferences before. He knows what to say."

"She's more than just my girlfriend, I must point out." Charles declared, his voice ringing out with conviction. "Ana is an incredibly talented driver, a valuable asset to any team. She's proven herself time and time again, earning points and podiums throughout the season."

I felt a surge of gratitude wash over me, mingled with a sense of disbelief at Charles' unwavering faith in me. He continued to speak, defending my honour with a passion that left me speechless.

"She's 7th in the drivers championship, in her rookie year. She doesn't deserve to lose her seat because she spoke up about the dangerous conditions on the track." He asserted, his gaze steady as he addressed the crowd. "She warned everyone about the risks." He gestured to his now healing wound on his head. "And those risks became a reality. But that doesn't make her any less deserving of a seat next year."

"l think it's quite unfair." Logan added quietly.

I had been looking down at the crisp soles of my trainers, but my head quickly snapped up at the sound of his voice.

"We all do." Said Esteban.

Niko nodded. "Absolutely."

"We all knew that the race at Silverstone should have been suspended. Ana was simply the only one brave enough to say something about it." George shrugged his shoulders confidently, before placing the microphone in his lap, signalling he would say no more.

The press conference room buzzed with tension as the journalists fired off more questions, their pens poised and cameras flashing. I watched from backstage, my heart pounding with apprehension. Could it actually get any worse?

Just when I thought I couldn't bear the scrutiny any longer, Charles' voice cut through the clamor like a beacon of reassurance.

"Enough." He declared, his tone firm and commanding. "We're here to talk about racing, not gossip. Ana's talent speaks for itself, and she deserves our respect."

His words were like a lifeline, pulling me back from the brink of despair. As he spoke, George, Esteban, Logan, and Niko chimed in, their voices echoing Charles's sentiments with unwavering conviction.

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