Chapter Thirty Seven - The Date Day!

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Charles had been especially elated for the last 2 days. Nobody could blame him, really. It was Monza week!

On the Wednesday, the last 'free day' (aka non- racing/ working day), Charles burst into my hotel room at 7am, and exclaimed the following:

"We're going on a date day!"

Half asleep, I wearily rubbed my eyes and heaved my sleepy body up onto my elbows, I asked him, "A date day?"

Charles sat on the corner of my bed, already dressed and prepared for the day ahead. He had a pair of beige shorts on, matched with a crisp white shirt with rolled up sleeves and his collar bones exposed. "Yes! You have never been to Milan, no?"

"Correct." I squinted, my eyes desperately trying to adjust to the light of the room.

"Perfect! I'll take you to all the best places." He grinned at me, his eyes crinkled at the sides. "Now, get yourself into a pretty little summer dress and we will head off."

I placed my stiffened hand against my forehead. "Yes, sir."

I slowly pushed myself out of bed, stretching my arms above my head. Charles' enthusiasm was infectious, and despite the lingering grogginess, I couldn't help but feel a flutter of excitement in my chest. Milan sounded like a distant dream, a place I'd only seen in pictures or heard about from others.

As I made my way to the wardrobe, I mulled over what to wear, which was easier said than done when you only had a handful of clothes mid-travel. A pretty little summer dress, Charles had said. I scanned through the array of clothing, my fingers grazing over the fabrics. Finally, I settled on a light floral dress, its pastel colors reminding me of sun-drenched days and blooming gardens.

With a quick glance in the mirror, I ran a brush through my hair and slipped on a pair of sandals. Satisfied with my appearance, I made my way back to where Charles was waiting, a smile playing on his lips.

"My beautiful girl. Ready?" He asked, offering me his arm.

I looped my arm through his, the warmth of his touch sending a shiver of anticipation down my spine. "Absolutely." I replied, matching his grin with one of my own.

The moment we stepped out onto the bustling streets of Milan, the warmth of the Italian sun enveloped us like a comforting embrace. The sky was a brilliant shade of blue, dotted with fluffy white clouds that lazily drifted across the horizon. A gentle breeze carried the scent of fresh flowers and warm pastries from nearby cafes, mingling with the chatter of locals and the distant sound of church bells. It was the kind of weather that begged for leisurely strolls through cobblestone streets and al fresco dining in quaint piazzas, a perfect backdrop for our day of exploration and adventure.

It actually seemed like a movie; almost too good to be true.

"Okay!" I turned to grin excitedly at Charles. "What's first?"

He wiggled his eyebrows up and down in a fashion that made me chuckle. He was feeling oh so smug, and I loved it. "First, ma chérie, is breakfast."

I clapped my hands together as my lips pulled at a knowing little smile. Food was the way to my heart, and Charles knew that way like the back of his hand. No map needed.

As we stepped into Charles' favorite bakery in Milan, a wave of heavenly scents washed over us, enticing us with the promise of delicious treats. The sight of beautifully arranged pastries and the sound of soft chatter filled the air, creating an inviting atmosphere that beckoned us further inside. I couldn't help but notice the presence of air conditioning too, a welcome relief from the August heat that enveloped the city.

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