Chapter Seventeen - The Wise Words Of Warning

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"Sheesh, I should've thought about posting a photo in the bath before I posted a photo in the goddamn bath!"

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"Sheesh, I should've thought about posting a photo in the bath before I posted a photo in the goddamn bath!"

I slumped my head backwards onto a chest, feeling the warmth of the water rise up the back of my neck as the bubbles began to dissolve. Locking my phone, I placed it on the lid of the toilet that was beside me, swapping it out for my glass of wine.

"The comments?" Charles asked innocently from behind me. He ran his fingers through the knotted wet tresses that formed my hair as if it soothed him.

"Mhm." I hummed, sipping the wine. "1% congratulating me for the result, 99% speculating who took the photo!" I couldn't help but let out a small giggle at the whole situation. "You did take a good photo though, Charlie. Well done you."

Charles placed a gentle kiss on the top of my head. "Of course, ma chérie. If anyone asks, you can introduce them to the magic of a self-timer."

Upon putting my glass down once again, I blindly reached my hands behind me and settled them on the nape of Charles' neck. I delicately ran the tips of my fingernails over his exposed skin, humming to myself. "Smart boy."

"As much as I love our little hotel room nights, I can't wait to take you out on a proper date, Annie." Charles thought aloud.

I could feel his heart beating steadily beneath my head; the way his chest rose up and down as he breathed in pattern. "Yeah?"

Charles nodded. "Of course. There will be flowers for you, and we will dress up all nice. We will go for a dinner, where we will drink plenty of wine and I will stroke your leg under the table. And then when we're back? Plenty, and I mean plenty, of sex." Another kiss was placed atop my head. "Sound good?"

The warm water around my body suddenly felt hotter. Goosebumps danced across the skin of my arms under the bubbles, and my heart had started to thrum like a rocket in my chest.

"Y-yes. That sounds good." I managed to stutter as Charles ran his fingertips up and down my arms, carefully avoiding my diabetes sensor. "But when are we possibly going to go on a proper date? There are paparazzi everywhere."

"When we are in Monaco for the GP. I know lots of places near my home." His voice was soft and affectionate. "It will be perfect."

I hummed with content.

Eventually, I eased myself out of the bath, the warm water leaving a lingering embrace on my skin. With a playful grin, I glanced back at him, droplets of water glistening on my skin, teasing him with a mischievous twinkle in my eyes. His gaze followed me, an undeniable spark of amusement dancing in his eyes as I slowly reached for a towel.

The air was thick with a playful energy, a gentle banter that had become our signature. I couldn't resist the urge to tease him a bit more, letting the towel cascade around me in a slow, deliberate manner, relishing the subtle smirk that curved his lips.

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