Chapter Twenty Eight - The House In Surrey

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As I drove through the familiar streets of my hometown in Surrey, memories of my karting days flooded my mind like a torrential downpour. I could almost feel the rumble of the engine beneath me, the thrill of the race coursing through my veins as I navigated each twist and turn with precision and determination.

I remembered the rush of adrenaline as I crossed the finish line, the cheers of the crowd echoing in my ears as I basked in the glory of victory. But more than anything, I remembered the sight of my parents standing proudly by the side of the track, their faces beaming with pride as they watched their daughter chase her dreams.

I recalled the countless hours spent practising at the local karting circuit, the smell of petrol and burnt rubber filling the air as I honed my skills and perfected my technique. And I remembered the countless sacrifices my parents had made to support my passion, from early morning wake-up calls to late-night drives home from races halfway across the country. Both of my parents worked two jobs, and even I started part-time at a local café when I was 14 just so that I could afford a new paint job on my kart. I really stretched the £10 I earned per weekend.

But amidst the chaos of my racing career, there were moments of pure joy and celebration that I held dear in my heart. Like the day I received the news that I had been accepted into Formula 4, and my mother's tears of happiness as she hugged me tight, her belly swollen with the promise of new life. Evie wasn't born much later; I think my mother's excitement practically forced the poor baby out prematurely.

"The roads here are so strange." The voice from my passenger seat with just a hit of wonderment. "So narrow and winding."

As I glanced over at Charles, my travel partner for the journey home, I couldn't help but feel a surge of gratitude for his presence by my side. Despite the challenges and uncertainties that lay ahead, I knew that having him here with me made everything just a little bit easier.

"Charlie, you literally live in Monte Carlo. It's the most narrow and winding place I've ever been to!" I flailed my hands above the steering wheel in my usual dramatic style. "Especially that road behind your apartment with the bakery on the corner. I thought I was going to die when you flew around that corner the other week!"

Charles tutted as he grinned at me. "Ahh, but ma chérie, I've been driving those roads for my entire life!"

"I've been driving on these roads for my entire life!" I combatted light-heartedly.

With each passing mile, the familiar sights and sounds of my hometown welcomed me back with open arms, reminding me that no matter where life took me, this would always be home. And as I turned onto the familiar street that led to my family home, I couldn't help but feel a sense of peace wash over me, knowing that I was exactly where I belonged.

"I know it's not exactly Monte Carlo," I started as we pulled into the driveway of my childhood house, "but it's home."

Charles' eyes were locked out of the front window, wide and adoring. "Are you joking, Annie? It is a beautiful home."

My home stood proudly on the corner of a quiet cul-de-sac in the heart of Surrey, its warm brick exterior bathed in the soft golden glow of the late afternoon sun. Nestled among a row of similar houses, it was neither imposing nor modest, but rather, it exuded an understated charm that spoke volumes about the love and care poured into its upkeep.

The front garden, a patchwork of lush greenery and vibrant blooms, greeted visitors with a burst of colour and life. A neatly trimmed lawn, bordered by a low picket fence, stretched out before the house, punctuated by cheerful flower beds brimming with an assortment of daisies, roses, and lavender. Climbing roses adorned the trellis that framed the entrance, their delicate petals swaying gently in the breeze. Everything looked better in the sunshine.

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