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He looks so fucking good. I mean, who wouldn't like him? He probably has so many girls around him, yet he chooses me. The look that he gives me every time he looks at me. The smile he gives me when he smiles at me. He made me fall in love with him more and more, which I hated. I don't know if I will make it. I'm lying to him that I'm getting better. I don't want him to get closer to me. I don't want to hurt him. He needs to go, but I can't let him go. As long as he is with me, I don't need anything.

Why is his personality so fucking great? I can't get enough of him. I need him. I want him. I need to get better. I need to get clean of everything that has happened to me. I need to forget everything and move on. Life doesn't end whatever has happened. I need to move on to be with him. I can feel he can't live without me too. He needs me as much as I need him. I have never felt like this. It may be because of trauma, but I don't care as long as he makes me feel so safe and wanted. I can't give up on myself. I need to put myself together.

He still is looking at me with that look. It makes me melt. He smells so fucking lovely, like roses, and I love roses. The dark hair in braids, the lip piercing and the way he dresses. Literally my dream boyfriend. I'm not kidding. I leaned closer to him. Now our faces were just a few inches away. I know what I'm doing, and I need to do it. I needed to taste his lips, and a few seconds later, our lips were together.

We were kissing. His lips taste like strawberries. He probably likes strawberries. Roses and strawberries were his things. The smell of roses and the taste of strawberries made me think I was in paradise. It was my first kiss, and I had never thought it would be this good. This kiss was soft and careful.

"Tom", I moaned, catching for air. I know it was a calm kiss, but I still needed to catch for air. He stopped when I called his name. "Did you like it?" He asked and placed a kiss on my forehead. "Yes," I answered. "It was your first kiss, wasn't it?" He asked. I just nodded, making him smile. "Good. It was my first, too." He smiled even more. "And it was amazing." He said.

I know it was amazing. I felt that. "So what about tea?" I asked. He stared at me, and it made me so nervous. I felt butterflies in my stomach. "Hey," I said. "I heard you." He softly answered. He got up and kissed me. "What tea would you like?" He asked. "Strawberry, please," I said. "Mmm... Good choice." He flirty said. He turned and grabbed his wallet, which was still in his jacket that he had given me that day.

He was ready to leave when he stopped at looked back at me. "I need to see you here when I will return." He said and winked. He walked out of the room. Now he was gone. I know he will be gone for a few minutes, but it drives me crazy when he isn't around me. Now I have to lie down and wait. I don't have my phone because Liam broke it. I need to get a new one.

It was 8 am, and my dad will be here anytime. Then suddenly, the doctor walked in. "Good morning! How are you feeling?" He asked. "I'm feeling much better," I said. "Any pain?" Doctor asked. "No," I answered. "Can you walk?" He asked while looking at my ribs. They were still black marks. "Yes, I can," I answered.

Then Dad came in. "Good morning!" He greeted the doctor and looked at me. "How is she doing?" Dad asked. "Looks like she got much better. I need to recheck her ribs, and then I will let you know when she can go home." Doctor said. "Okay. Thank you." Dad and I said. The doctor walked out. "Did you sleep well?" Dad asked.

"Yea, I did," I answered. Dad looked around and looked back at me. "Was that boy all night with you?" Dad asked. "Yea, he was. Is there something wrong?" I asked curiously. "No, I'm just happy you have met someone who cares about you except me. I'm so thankful to him." He said, smiling. "I'm glad too, Dad," I said, smiling.

Then Tom was back. He greeted my dad and gave me my tea. "Thank you," I said. "So what was your name, boy?" Dad asked him. I laughed a little bit. "What so funny?" Dad asked. "It's just you're calling him boy while he is 20 years old," I said while enjoying my tea. "He is still a boy to me, and I don't see anything bad in that," Dad said, and Tom was just smiling. "I like when someone calls me boy. My name is Tom, by the way." Tom said to my dad. "I'm Conrad."My dad said.

Pain, suffering, and Jesus / Tom KoulitzWhere stories live. Discover now