The Love Square {12}

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                “Hey Anthony, better watch out! There’s a school bus over there!” Garret called.

                He and his friends laughed. I fought back tears and tried to keep walking to my locker. Garret stepped up to me and shoved me roughly.

                “Where are you going loser?” he asked, smirking cruelly. His friends, Jimmy and Kellin, smirked at me as well.

                “Leave me alone,” I begged, my eyes watering. “Please leave me alone!”

                Garret smacked my books out of my hand and shoved me against the lockers. “Jimmy, Kellin, let’s help this loser to his locker,” he said.

                He grabbed one of my arms and Kellin stepped up and grabbed the other. I struggled fiercely, but they held tough and dragged me towards my locker. Tears leaked down my face. They were going to shove me into my own locker.

                “Stop!” I cried.

                Garret smacked me across the face and I whimpered. They stopped in front of my locker and slowly released my arms.

                “Open it. Or else I’ll bring you to my locker,” Garret threatened.

                I shakily put in my combination and pulled my locker open. They grabbed my arms and whipped me against the lockers. I cried out in pain.

                “In you go!” Kellin said happily, grabbing a fist full of my hair and shoving my head down.

                “Hey! Let him go! I’m going to get a teacher if you don’t let him go and leave right now!”

                “Dammit. Let’s get out of here!” Garret said in fear. He and Kellin released me and I heard the sound of the three bullies running off down the hallway.

                I slid down against the lockers and buried my face in my hands, sobbing silently. Why did they always have to do this to me?

                “Are you okay?”

                The voice was gentle and concerned. He put a hand on my shoulder. I slowly pulled my face away from my hands, looking into his worried eyes.

                “I’m fine,” I whispered and sniffed, rubbing at my eyes.

                He offered me his hand and pulled me to my feet. “They slammed you against the lockers really hard,” he said, the concern that was in his eyes also potent in his voice.

                “They always do that. I’ll be fine,” I said, dropping my head in embarrassment.

                The kid put an arm around my shoulders. “They shouldn’t do that to you! That’s so mean!” he said angrily. “They could really hurt you!”

                I stared at him in shock. “Who are you?” I asked, my eyes watering again. No one ever stuck up for me.

                “My name’s Colin. Colin Archer,” he said, offering me a small smile.

                “I’m…I’m Ant. Ant Andrews,” I mumbled, dropping my gaze.

                “Hey, hold your head up when you say your name. Have some confidence,” Colin said, grabbing my chin and forcing me to look up. “Don’t let bullies like that get you down, Ant. They’re losers. They have nothing better to do than pick on you to make themselves feel high and mighty.”

The Love Square [boyxboy]Where stories live. Discover now