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(A/N: Sorry I haven't updated in ages. This is Part One of a series of oneshots I've made which features differnet ways the agency could find out about Soukoku's relationship.)

Dazai's P.O.V.

There's a bang and I turn around. It's a branch slapping the window and I watch for a moment as the wind swirls outside snow slowly joining it. I sigh, I'm going to have to walk home in this.

"Everyone!" The president's voice isn't very loud but it's a small office and everyone, including myself, turns to listen to him. Having our attention, he continues, "There is going to be a heavy snowstorm in a few hours. If we stay here we will all be snowed in and unable to leave until the snow can be ploughed. In order to prevent that I am ending working hours early. The snow is falling heavily and quickly, I suggest that you all return to your homes within the hour. If you do not have a car, ask someone to come and pick you up."

Everyone sets into motion immediately, picking up phones and dialling rides, grabbing car keys and within a few minutes I'm the only one not ready to go. I took the bus today because Chuuya is out on important Mafia business and can't drive me. The bus station is 7 blocks away and I really, really, really don't want to walk.

No, I am not going to bother Chuuya. I am not going to be a nuisance. I won't. I can't. I promised not to call him while he was working unless I was ill or injured and I am neither so I will walk, and I will be fine.

I walk to the door and get ready to leave, it opens before I even have my hand on the door knob.

"Hey honey." the redhead before me, teases, using one of the nicknames he claims to hate so much.

"Ch-Chuuya?" I stutter stupidly, stumbling backwards with surprise.

"Don't freak out mackerel, I'm not the damn king." He teases again, placing an arm around my waist, making sure I don't fall.

"W-what are you doing here? You're supposed to be- I thought you were at work?" I hate the way I'm blushing and stuttering like an idiot. Even after being married to Chuuya for so long I'm still not used to people going out of their way for me. Sure the agency is very nice and all of the members are my friends but I know that I am the least close to everyone in the agency and our relationship is mostly professional.

"Are you kidding? The storm's all over the news. I'm not about to make you take public transit in this weather. The buses and trains have already just shut down."

All I can say is a lame, "Oh."

"Yeah, so come on. My car's just down the street."

"Okay." I know I'm still blushing, touched by the surprise visit.

"And I didn't have time to go back home so I couldn't bring your puffy coat but there are some blankets in the car." He nods disapprovingly to my trench coat.

As we walk out the door, someone grabs my arm. I look over my shoulder and realise everyone else has been watching us, and they seem to have gotten over their shock.

Chuuya's P.O.V.

As I'm about to close the door Glasses man grabs Osamu's arm.

"What do you think you're doing?" he asks furiously.

"I was just about to ask the same thing."

"You can't take him, the Port Mafia can't have him."

I almost laugh, Osamu chuckles.

"Kunikida, please let go of me." he says calmly, wriggling free of the older man's grip.

He steps back a look of shock and vauge disgust on his face. "What exactly is going on here?"

Osamu's cute shy expression vanishes, replaced with his typical silly demeanour. "My husband is just picking me up, so I don't have to stay snowed in at the office." Then his expression turns slightly colder, more reminiscent of his mafia days. "I suggest you also leave . . . unless you want to get snowed in, that is." Glasses's expression turns to shock, he hears the implicit threat in my husband's voice and words.

"H-h-husband?" he says quietly

I really do laugh this time. "Yup, for 7 years." I look over at Osamu, who's still glaring, "Now if you'll excuse us, we'd like to get home before the storm gets bad. Have a nice afternoon."

As I close the door I see Mr. Glasses expression unfreeze slowly from shock into something that seems to be a mix of fury, confusion and sheer panic. By the time I hear him start to shout we're already in the car. (but I swear I can hear glass breaking as few dogs starting to bark at the raucous)

Osamu's laughing like a maniac beside me and I can't help joining him. "Poor baby, you're going to get an earful when you get back to work."

He just laughs harder, "I know, but . . . his face! It was worth it."

"Totally agree, what do you want for dinner tonight."

"I don't know, I can't think, I can't stop laughing. He's probably exploded by now."

By the time we both stop laughing we're back home.

As I make dinner I feel a warm weight settle on my waist and turn around. Osamu has attached himself to me.

"Yes." I say, prompting him to continue because I can tell there's something he wants to ask me.

"Thank you for coming to get me at the office today." I can hear the gratitude and sincerity in his voice and it surprises me. I'd expected him to call me a good dog for rescuing me master or whatever, but not this.

"Of course, I'm a bit upset that you didn't call me though. I got worried, I thought you might;ve tried to walk home by yourself in all the snow. I mean come on, it seems exactly like the type of stupid shit you would do."

"I didn't want to bother you, I could've walked, you didn't have to interrupt your conference for me." He says, I sigh, I really wish he could stop feeling this way. Like every normal kind thing I do is monumental, like something every good person wouldn't do for their significant other. And I hate every single one of the things that made him feel that way.

"Don't. I wanted to come and get you, I'm the one who should feel guilty. I should;ve made sure you had a car today. Annnd," I drag out the 'and', running my free hand through his thick hair, "I was dying in that conference, you hear that, you saved your dog from dying."

He smiles and steals a piece of the food I'm cooking.

"Hey! That was all for food wasn't it!" I tease even though I know it wasn't. "Tch! It'll be done in less than five minutes. OUT! If you're just gonna steal, out!" He runs away with a comical look on his face.

What a day it's been! And there's still Mr Glasses to contend with. I should ask Osamu to record his reaction.

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