Mr Dazai, your son threw up at school

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(A/N: Relationship Reveal and soft but chaotic parent Dazai because I can. Don't worry there's no graphic descriptions of throwing up. Gets super fluffy at the end. This was kind of rushed so may not be the best, also you can probably tell I suck at titles.)

Kunikida P.O.V.

I'm always the first at work so when I arrive on our floor I start to put the key into the lock but when I do the door opens. I immediately tense and open it cautiously, in case this is another break in. But no thieves are in sight, just Dazai sitting at his desk, deep in conversation with the president.

My briefcase falls to the floor with a muffled clatter.

"Good Morning, Mr. President, Dazai-san" I pick up my case and head over to my desk, a bit embarrassed, but neither of them looks up.

Soon all the members are present and the work day begins.

Just as I finish my first report, a phone rings from the other side of the room, and Dazai's suicide song starts blasting. I sigh looking over to the man's desk only to find him trying to hang himself on the coat stand.

"Oh, Kunikida-kun" he sing songs, "Could you hand me my phone please."

"Oh fine." I huff, shoving the device at him, "But you better not be long, we do have work to do."

"I won't." He sing songs, he definitely will. UGH! Lazy waste of bandages.

The call starts and I find myself curious as to who would be calling Dazai this early in the morning.

He holds the phone to his ear while listening and a look of amusement crosses his face. After a second he answers sounding confused, "Yes, this is he. Why? Has Saku-chan done something problematic?"

Saku-chan? Dazai has a girlfriend?! I shoot him a look asking who the hell Saku-chan is and why is he speaking so formally, but he ignores me.

"Ahh, I see, what is the matter then?" He nods, a look of worry that I've never seen before crosses Dazai's face.

Dazai's P.O.V.

It's awkward with the noose around my neck, but I finally manage to get the phone to my ear. A woman speaks into it. "Hello? This is Nurse Kajimura, Yokohama Primary School. Am I speaking to Dazai Osamu?"

I don't understand, I just dropped Saku off an hour ago. (the school is on my way to work which was why I was early, also it was fun to see the looks on my coworkers faces.) What trouble could he have gotten in already.

"Yes, this is he. Why? Has Saku-chan done something problematic?" I answer.

(A/N: Soukoku named their kid after Oda 🥺🥹)

"Don't worry, Sakunosuke is not in trouble, we called you because your husband was not answering his phone." Oh that makes sense because Chuuya is on a mission in another city, probably super busy. Ohhhh! How dreadfully I miss my Chibi! "Ahh, I see, what is the matter then?"

"We need you to come and pick your son up as soon as possible, preferably immediately. He vomited in class this morning and has a cough, he is also running a low-grade temperature. He says his head and throat hurt. We think it may be the flu and suggest that you keep him home for the remainder of this week and through next week."

Oh, my poor baby! I say in my head but decide not to be dramatic on the phone. "Oh, of course. I'll be there in 10 minutes."

Kunikida's P.O.V.

As soon as the call clicks off Dazai unties the noose faster than I've ever seen anyone untie a noose and is grabbing his car keys. His movements aren't frantic though, they never are.

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