Dazai's a jerk when he's sick.

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From last year's Sicktember prompts.

Chuuya's Perspective:

Something slams into me and I jolt awake. I sit up and look around but the room is dark and the only other person around is my partner, and he's fast asleep. Damn brat must've kicked me!

The clock says there's still an hour before I need to be awake, but once I've been woken I don't fall easily asleep again so I might as well get ready, while I can still have my coffee in peace before Osamu wakes up.

Before I can finish it though my stomach starts growling fiercely. Normally as soon as we get up Osamu starts making breakfast, but today he's still asleep.

Huffing I walk back into our bedroom to wake my husband, I do feel a little bit guilty for waking him early but I need food.

I shake his shoulders, but he stays perfectly still. I do it again, but still nothing. It's strange, because of his insomnia, he's always easy to wake up.

Finally, I resort to yanking the covers off. He wakes immediately.

"WHAT?" His voice positively drips with annoyance and anger, he glares daggers at me. It catches me off guard and I don't answer. "Oh, so you just woke me up for nothing, is that it?" He takes the duvet from the floor and begins to lay back down.

At last, I unfreeze, whatever guilt I had before gone, "Hey! Asshole, wake up, I need breakfast, and you owe me because you kicked me out of bed!" The words come out harsh, my tone matching his.

"I don't care." is all he says his eyes not even open.

We go back and forth for a while before I end up dragging him out of bed and into the kitchen.

"I can't cook, it's too cold in here."

"It is not! It's 22 degrees, you're fine, now please hurry up, I'm starving."

"I'm not hungry, why should I cook if I'm not going to eat?"

"Osamu, stop being a lazy bastard, we're going to be late." The words are exasperated more than angry.


With a sigh that sounds suspiciously like the word slug, he starts cooking. Breakfast takes way longer than usual and is a little burnt but I'm hungry so it'll do. True to his word, Osamu doesn't eat with me, opting instead to go back to bed. Maybe whatever grumpy monster possessed him this morning will have left his body when I wake him up next.

While he sleeps I dress and ready myself for work, when I look presentable I go to poke the beast.


I thought he might be less of a demon after a bit more sleep but, apparently not.

When I shake him this time he wakes immediately.

"Can't even a dumb Chibi like you see that I'm trying to sleep!"

"What did you just say?" annoyance boils under my skin, I don't want to do this again.

"I said you're dumb," he says curling back up.

I yank away the duvet and extra blanket he added, "Say that again, I dare you?"

"Chibi is dumb, as in stupid, and clearly has hearing problems, now go away and let me sleep!" His voice is cold, it ticks me off.

"You have to wake up. You have a job you know. I mean I don't know how they haven't fired you yet, but you at least need to go in."

"Leave me alone, Chuuya." his tone is the same one I use when I'm warning an enemy not to try me. What's with him today? I mean, he's always kind of a disrespectful dick but, damn.

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