Dazai w/ Eczema HCs

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Half joke HC that Dazai has eczema (because I do) and that's one of the other resons why he wears bandages so it won't get irritated and he won't touch it and also to hide the scars from where he scratched himself badly.

I know he would too, seeing as he has no self care/preservation. It's a wonder that his arm hasn't gotten mega infected (I know the river water and probably his dorm too aren't clean). Maybe he even uses it as a kind of self harm 🥺!

He has a love-hate relationship with it because the pain and itching sensation is kind of grounding when he feels like he's disassosiating or outside of himself. It reminds him that he's here and real . . . but it's also painful af so 🙁.

It comes and goes, always there but much worse at times. Extreme cold and hot weather make it worse, as does his poor diet and skin care (someone pls save him).

It's bad in his elbow crease and that's a reason he hates paperwork because he has to bend his elbows for entended periods of time to type and write.

Mori helped him get treatments when he was in the PM but he's a lil stubborn self harming shit and sometimes didn't take them. Then when he was off on his own he didn't have anything at all and was SUFFERING(TM).

He mostly hides it very well but Kunikida, being his work partner, and having a desk across from his , notices that something is up because his arms are so stiff. Kunikida may not like him all that much, but he isn't a monster and wishes he could help his coworker whoes in pain, also he hopes it would increase Dazai's productivity (it wouldn't, Dazai's just lazy)

Yosano can't heal him w/ her gift but she is a doctor ao she tries to help however she can, even forcing him to use lotions and creams, but she can't be there all the time so he still falls through the cracks. It's better than before though.

One time when it was really bad Dazai was scatching his arm though so much the skin opened even under the bandages and started to bleed through and the ADA, mainly Atsushi were horrified. Atsushi thought he cut himself and go scared so Dazai had to comfort him and he felt guilty for making his mentee so upset. Maybe he'll try to do betetr, but it's hard.

(A/N: sorry this got so long. I just had this thought and it went further as I was typing.)

It's actually so anoying and painful though, so as intresting as that would be I would feel exteremly bad, like bro's already going throiugh so much he doesn't need that as well.

(A/N: This HC is based of my personal experience with eczema and how it feels and how I think Dazai would deal with it so no judgement if you disagree)

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