The Disastrous Meeting

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(A/N: reuploading this because I was sick when I wrote it and it had sooo many typos. I can write properly, I promise.)

Dazai's Perspective

I haven't slept the entire night but I stay laying awake in bed even after my alarm rings. I'm so so so tired yet I can't fall asleep, not without my Chuuya. The bed is too cold without his warm embrace.

Finally when I grow too restless I walk to the kitchen, but Chuuya isn't here making breakfast so I decide to forego eating. My stomach is too sensitive to anything besides Chuuya's cooking and crab, and I'm out of crab so . . .

But knowing he would want me to eat, I look in the fridge and see that there's some month old vegetables. Chuuya must have left them. They look okay but not worth the effort.

I shut the fridge and feel myself shivering.

When I put on my work clothing I throw one of Chuuya's jumpers on before putting on my signature tan trench coat. It isn't very warm, but it's something, and it smells like him.

When I arrive at the office everyone stares at me.

"What are you wearing?" Kunikida's voice is devoid of emotion but he's clearly in shock. Oh god, I think I've broken him, but why?

I look down, to my surprise the jumper I wear is at least 12 or so centimetres too short for me, like some sort of crop top, despite being loose. I can't believe I didn't think about how Chuuya's height difference might make it hard for me to wear his clothes, probably because he's usually here to wear mine. I'm not exactly embarrassed, (I know I look good in cropped things) just startled, and through the waves of emotions that crash over me (love, longing) I struggle to hide it.

"What, oh this? The girl I was with last night left it, I was planning on returning it, of course, I'm no thief Kunikida-kun, but not before I'd properly washed it, so I figured, why not wear it first, eh?"

Kunikida just raises an eyebrow, "And that thing on your neck, did she leave that too, or did you just forget to take it off, because I will not tolerate such unprofessional things in this office." His voice is stern.

"Whatever do you mean, Kunikida-kun?" I make it sound teasing but I genuinely have no idea what he's talking about.

"Do not make me spell it out for you Dazai. You know very well what I am referring to."

I really don't, but I have a reputation so I say nothing and continue onto my desk. Just as I sit down something chokes me. I gag pathetically.

"Dazai-san, this is more than inappropriate for work, think of Kenji and Kyoka. What if we have a case that deals with children? Do you care nothing for the reputation of this agency?"

"Kunikida-kun I really didn't take you for the type interested in choking people." I wheeze, feeling around my collar to loosen the blond's grip but I find no hands there, they're higher up, grabbing onto . . . a choker.


It's one of Chuuya's, a casual one, not the subtle black one he wears for work (he took that one with him), no this one is joined together by metal rings in the front and back. Kunikida must have thought it was some kind of toy. That man really has no idea about some things, does he?

"Are you going to take it off, or do I have to."

"You know how weird that sounds out of context." I continue to tease him, fighting internal panic at the potential discovery of our relationship, while easily wriggling myself free.

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