Who taught Kyouka to drive???

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(Not strictly Soukoku but some implied)


I think it was Chuuya, who is surprisingly a stickler for safety (unlike a certain someone *cough* Dazai *cough*) Dazai realises after Kyouka makes comments on his driving that sound exactly like the things Chuuya always says. Dazai complains to Chuuya and Chuuya is just laughing his ass off.


I think that if Koyou had taught her to drive she would drive like a madwoman. I headcanon that that's just Koyou's style of driving. She tries her best to show Kyouka proper safety practices but it doesn't work and Kyouka ends up learning to drive as if she's speeding away from a crime scene with the cops chasing her. She's an aggressive driver and picks up Koyou's habit of swearing at other drivers. Also Koyou started teaching her when she was 10. She sat on three pillows to see over the dash and could only reach the pedals because of her tall shoes. She drives cars in the same way she approaches her work as an assassin. Slaughter everything: If she needs to be somewhere but there's a gate she'll just go through it, forget the left and right lane, she'll take whichever is less crowded and weave around other drivers. Despite how chaotic it may look though Koyou taught her how to be precise and she's never had an accident.

Everyone in the ADA expects her to be a calm driver because of her nature but when they let her in the car all hell breaks loose and she gets put right under Dazai on the no driver list.


Akutagawa is just her boss, I don't really see him bothering to teach her to drive. Also I headcanon that he walks/bikes everywhere (and is super strong because of it, even though he looks skinny and weak). He covers his eyes whenever he's in the car and the driver has to pay for gas. (Cheapskate! We still love him though.)

Atsushi is begging him to get a car since he certainly has enough money.

(I feel like Gin has a motorcycle. Does she? I'm new to the series so idk?)

Gin is normally a "regular driver" but she can be a good getaway driver.


I also don't see Mori teaching her to drive but since this has turned into headcanons about how the characters drive here you go:

Mori is a calm, safe and practical driver, he would never endanger Elise and he has to blend in in public anyway. He can bust some serious stunt driver level moves though, he doesn't talk about it but he acn out drive the cops and pretty much anyone else easily.


Tachihara (like I said I'm new to the series so these may not be very in character) is kind of in between crazy and safe as a driver. Pretty normal. But will participate in street races, against other criminals. Same for Gin.


Just from his appearance I feel like Hirotsu can drive either totally normally or like a maniac depending on what's needed for the situation.


Higuchi is usually a really cautious driver (she failed the driving test three times) but when Akutagawa is in danger she drives so fast and crazy that she almost crashes. All in all not a great getaway driver but okay in normal situations. She doubts herself though.


Kaji can drive crazy but is actually a normal driver when not on missions. When he is on missions will not hesitate to run an enemy over. One of the "cool" kids who do car stunts in empty car parks at night and leave skid marks.

(These are all the characters I'm going to do because I'm so new to the series)


Fukuzawa is kind of like everyone's dad so I think he'd definitely want to help out teaching her. A little out of his depth with a child that young and it's awkward at first (IIf it gets too awkward can see him getting desperate and trying to "relate" with her by using slang and worrying if he's using it right only to realise she doesn't understand it either and they decide to both just be natural) but they end up really bonding and Kyouka learns to drive really well. Fukuawa secretly does teach her some tricks for evading enemies though, but he makes sure she understands the importance of safety.


Ranpo can't drive and refuses to learn ("Why should I when I have you all?") but will sit in on driving lessons if he's bored between cases.


Yosano is an excellent driver and she teaches Kyouka how to drive with precise technique. She teaches her all the basics but also how to do crazy turns and reverses to evade enemies.


Dazai was banned from being anywhere near Kyouka while she was learning.


Kunikida has tips for excellent driving in his notebook and is eager to share. Kyouka dislikes learning with Kunikida because he's so strict and not fun, but appreciates his precise technique and clear instructions and finds his teachings helpful. Dazai teases Kunikida about being a buzzkill.


Atsushi is nervous about driving because he only learnt to drive himself recently (Kunikida taught him and now he has trauma. *I can make headcanons for this later* because of course the orphanage never taught him *besides he was too young anyway since the Japanese driving age is 18*) and doesn't feel confident enough to teach someone else. But he will sit in the car while Kunikida gives lessons to make sure that Kunikida isn't being too boring or harsh. Kunikida develops a soft spot for Kyouka by the end of it.

The first place Kyouka drives is the crepe place, she is very proud of herself.


Junichiro wants to help, he really does, but Naomi always gets in the way. ("Oni-sama!!!" "AHHHH!!! Naomi, not while I'm driving!!!") Their antics are distracting so they settle for watching and being supportive from the sidelines.

Junichiro makes Naomi sit in the back seat when he drives (Naomi can't drive.) because she tries to "cuddle" him while on the road. They try to take the train when they can, even though they do get some funny looks. (Just for the PDA, because thank god, they don't look alike and they can pass for a young couple in love.)


Kenji actually already knows how to drive, he learnt when he was way too young in his village (because apparently there's just no laws there). He prefers the train though because he can see the scenery.

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