Chapter 11: Mom, & Drunk

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Hey guys I hope you like this chapter.

Raven's P.O.V

I pulled away from the hug to see my mother before I grabbed Chris. "Raven please don't be scared, Im sorry I just wanted to give you this." She said holding out a letter and one of Sarah's stuffed dogs. I looked at Chris who grabbed the letter and dog before giving it to me. "Raven I hope you know I'm sorry for everything, I'm a horrible mother but I want you to know I love you and I'm going to leave you alone but I still want to be in your life." My mom said before I looked at her sadly. "You abused me, left me to die, you know I tried to killing myself, but Dave saved me and toke me in, like his own, you can still be in my life but not now." I said before my mother nodded her head and left. I looked at Chris as I started to cry. I felt him hug me before CTE finshed there set. I grabbed the dog and letter before I went into CTE greenroom. I opened the letter and started reading it.

My beautiful Raven

The reason why I named you Raven because the day I found out I was pregnant a Raven came to my window and layed a green flower down before flying away, Raven Im sorry so I left you, Raven Im sorry for not staying to raise you, Im sorry for not telling you I'm your mother, I Sarah Taylor I'm your mother and David Escamilla is your father. Im sorry for leaving you and David I love you
-Sarah your mommy

I looked up to see Dave as I threw a bottle at him. "Why didn't you fucking tell me you are my dad." I yelled at him standing up. "Raven I'm sorry, I should have helped out but your dad didn't want me around." Dave said. "NO you should have stayed." I screamed throwing another bottle at him before Benn picked me up for I would hurt him. "You should have stayed." I said as I looked down holding my sist-mom's stuffed dog. Dave sighed as he looked down. "She was going to pack everything and take you away." Dave said. "Her dad found out and did something horrible and that's why she left us. My beautiful Raven I'm so sorry for not telling you. I just got worried because I didn't know how to tell you." Dave added before Benn put me down as Dave hugged me. I hugged him back as I said "Im sorry you throwing the bottles at you." Dave laughed as he hugged me more. "Its okay My beautiful Raven." Dave replied.

"In the letter she called me that." I said before I looked at him. He give me a small smile before hugging me again. "I need a minute." I said before I maybe my way out of the green room and to the Issues bus before I knocked on the door as Aj opened the door. "Hey you just missed Tyler and the rest of the band they went out." AJ said. "Its okay, I just need to get away from my dads." I replied as Aj let me on the bus. I hugged Aj and started to cry before he hugged me and rubbed my back. "What happened." AJ asked me as we sat down. "Do you know what before CTE adopted me." I asked him.

"Yes, Everyone in Issues and MIW." AJ replied. "Okay, well my mom is not my mom she is my grandmother and my really mom is my sister." I said before AJ looked at me shoked and sad. "Wait does that mean, you um watched um your mom um pass away." AJ asked as I replied with a yes. "There is more Dave is my real dad because he dated her and they made love. Then she had me, she was probably 14 when she had me. I don't know what to do, do I call Dave dad still." I added.

"I would he is your real dad and your dad in the frist place. He saved you and him not telling because he was scared. Your still adopted into the bands, but all of the bands like having you here, you make everyone happy." Aj said before I hugged him. He hugged me back before I left and walked to my bus to hear Danny W. and Ben yelling at one another. "You know what leave the band, we will be better withoutyou." Ben yelled before Danny walked onto his bus and grabbed his things and left. I watched Ben hit his bus before I jumped back and landed on someones foot. I turned around to see a guy. "Im so sorry." I said. "It's okay, kid." The guy said before we said bye and walked away. I ran to MIW's bus before hitting the door. "Ricky open the door." I yelled before someone on the bus opened the door and pulled me on the bus. "Hey im breakable." I said before Balz laughed. "Ben and Danny got in a fight and he left." I added before everyone looked at me. "Crown the empire or Asking Alexandria." Ryan asked. "Asking Alexandria then I dumped into a guy with an accent I have never heard." I said before someone knocked on the as Chris opened the door as BVB walked on the bus. I got pulled onto Balz's lap before he handed me Oreos. "Got them for you so when you come on the bus, you have Oreos." Balz said before I hugged him. "Thank you Balz." I replied before Ricky came and sat next to me and balz. "Hey Mr.H." I said smiling. "Hello little Raven." He replied back with a smile. I heard someone laugh before I looked at Andy B. "What you jelly because I got oreos." I said moving my head really weirdly. All the guys laughed before my phone went off as I answered a phone call.

Me- Yellow, Little Raven here.
Dad Andy- *laughs* Hey little one were are you.
Me- MIW's bus with BVB.
Dad Andy- Okay, let me talk to Chris.
Me- Okay

Chris's P.O.V

Raven was talking on the phone before she got up and handed me the phone. "Andy wants to talk to you." She said before I put the phone to my ear.

Andy- Hey I need you to do a big favor for me.
Me- Okay what is it.
Andy- I need you to take Raven for me, Dave is drunk like bad and I don't want her to see him liks this.
Me- No problem I understand do you want me to take her to the bus to get her somethings.
Andy- Yes please Dave is at a bar.
Me- Okay bye.
Andy- Bye.

I ended the call to the Raven with a tears in her eyes before looking down. "Raven can I talk to you in the back lounge for a second." I asked her before she got off Balz's lap and walked to the back lounge without a word. I followed her before I shut the door and handed her the phone. "You are going to stay here just for the night." I said before she sighed. "Is my dad drunk?" She asked me. "Im sorry to say this but yes." I said before she sighed and walked to the front lodge then off the bus. I followed her to the CTE bus. Raven grabbed what she needed before she went into the bathroom.

Raven's P.O.V (Sad part)

I walked into the bathroom as I grabbed the razor I hide under my phone case, I sat down on the floor before I started to cry my thighs, after 20 or so cuts I stopped before I cleaned then and left the bathroom. I grabbed my things as I told Chris I just want to go to bed we go back to the bus.

We walked to the bus as I walked pass everyone and into the back lounge to lay down. I heard Chris tell everyone what happened before I closed my eyes as I heard someone walk to the lounge before they sat next to me I opened my eyes to see Andy B. "Hi, Mr.Batman." I said sad before Andy hugged me and put me in his lap like a little kid. "Get some sleep my Raven." Andy replied before I layed my head on his shoulder and fell asleep.

Sad but cute ending I hope everyone liked this chapter, please comment and vote -Gothicgirl1235

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