Chapter 5: Don't Ever Trust The Devil, Bitch

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Hey there is the next chapter.

-Raven's P.O.V-

I woke up next to Dave to see his Romans 8:25 tattoo. I looked up to see Dave was up. "Hey." He said to me before I replied with a 'hello'. "How did you sleep." He asked me as I shrugged my shoulders. "You don't talk much, do you." He added. "Yeah, I guess." I said before Dave smiled. "Let's go eat." He replied getting out of my bunk. I got out of my bunk to see Andy sleeping on the floor. "Andy, why are you on the floor." I said before I put my hand on Andy's shoulder. "I don't know." He whispered before I smiled a little and walked to the front lodge. I looked up to see Benn and Danny talking. "Hey, Raven come here for second." Benn said to me before I walked over to him.

"Hey, what's up." I replied before Danny opened his mouth. "Are you really Dave's cousin." Danny asked me before I looked at Dave then back at him. "Yes, I am." I replied with a smile. "His mom, is my aunty." I added before I turned around and walked over to Dave. "What the hell is his problem." I whispered as Dave looked at me and shruged his shoulders. "Do you like cereal." Dave asked me. "Yeah." I replied before Dave put 2 boxes of cereal in front of me. "That's all we have, sorry. " He said as I looked at the boxes to see a box of cheerios and a box of froot loops. "Its cool." I replied before I handed the froot loops at Dave and grabbed the cheerios. "I like cherrios more." I added with a small laugh. 

"Me to." He replied smiling. I made me a small bowl of cheerios and started to eat. I finshed eating as I put my dish in the sink and washed it before someone hugged me. I looked up to see Hayden. "Hi." I replied drying my bowl and spoon. "What are you doing." He asked me. "Just finshed washing my dish." I replied before I put my dish up. "You don't have to, Andy does the dishes." He said to me before I looked at him. "Frist I didn't know that, second I wanted to wash my dish to be nice." I replied with a smile.

Hayden up his hands up and walked away laughing. I smiled before I walked back to my bunk to get dressed.  I grabbed a pair of skinny jeans, my NYD shirt and my makeup bag. I walked to the bathroom, changed and did my makeup. I put my clothes in my bag as I heard a voice. "Who are you." I looked up to see a tall guy next to Benn. "Brendan, this is Dave's cousin Raven." Benn said to him before someone walked up behind me. "Shit." I heard Dave's voice. "Will Raven, may i ask why you are here." Brendan asked me. "Im here because my mom and dad are in China for a trip, left me with Dave's mom and I came on tour with him. You know you don't need to be an asshole to people." I said before I walked away to the front lounge to see Andy and Brent. "I can't belive you said that to him." Andy said laughing a little.

"Sooo, who is he." I asked. "Our tour manager." Brent said. I looked down before I whispered shit. After a few mintutes I sat down right as someone walked onto the bus. "Hey is Andy here." I looked up to see Tyler. "Yeah in the back lounge." I said before he said thank you and walked away. I looked out a window to see a bus I've never seen. I got up and walked to the window to see Danny W. talking to someone. "Raven, please come here." I heard Dave's voice, I walked to the back lounge to see all of CTE,  Brendon and Tyler. "Yeah." I said before I sat down. "There is a new band coming on tour with us and I want you to stay away from them." Dave said before I shoke my head okay.

I moved my hair out behind my ears and just pulled all of it over my left shoulder. "You have really long hair." Hayden said to me before I looked up. "I guess." I replied "Where is Danny." I added before Benn got up and walked off the bus. I looked down before I started to play with my pants. "Raven, are you okay." Andy asked as I looked up. "Yeah, I just shouldn't have asked where Danny was." I replied before I got up and walked to the frount lounge. I sat down as Benn and Danny walked onto the bus.

I looked down as I started to play with my pants again. I toke the picture of me and Sarah out of my pocket and looked at it before someone sat next to me. I looked over to see Brandon and Hayden as I looked up. "Who is that." Hayden asked pointing to the picture. "My sister." I replied looking down. "What happened to." Brandon asked me before I looked up. "She passed away." I replied before I heard someone yell. "You did what." I heard Benn yell as Danny yelled back at him. After a few Benn yelled at Danny one more time before he walked off the bus. 

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