Chapter 17: Sleep

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Dave's P.O.V

Denis left as Andy smiled. "I hope they get together." He said as I nodded before we took a shower before heading to the first floor to eat. I saw Raven sitting on James lap as the rest of crown and AA but not Denis and Ben. Raven was eating an apple before drinking coffee. Andy and I got food before sitting with our band. "Morning Dad and Daddy." Raven said to Andy and me before eating some eggs. "Morning." I said as Raven turned her head a little and pointed to her neck. "You have something on your neck." She said as I looked at Andy. "Never mind." She said as Benn laughed. I looked over at Raven as she covered her mouth. "What." Andy said. "I can't say it." She said. "Just say it." I said. "I guess you are not the american average." She said as James started to laugh.

Sam started to laugh also causing the rest of us to laugh. "OMG look its Brustoff." Raven said as Denis and Ben walked in. "Raven." I said making the guys laugh harder. "You told me to say what I wanted to say and you had sex on my sheets so I guess we are even." Raven said before Sam fell out of his sit laughing. Raven started to laugh before we calmed down and finished eating. "Who did you stay with." I asked Raven. "James, Sam, Cameron, Brent and Brandon." She said as I nodded. Everyone was talking before Raven saw something causing her to move her head into James's neck. I looked over to see Raven's grandfather. "James get Raven out of here." I said before getting up.

Everyone got up as James took Raven upstairs to the room as I walked over to Andrew her grandfather as Denis stood a few feet away. "Leave now. Leave my daughter alone, stop texting her, go being a weird creepy old guy." I said before he grabbed my arm. "Don't tell me what to do." He said before I punched him in the face. "I will. Leave before I make you." I said as Denis pulled me away. We went up to the rooms as I saw Raven holding her knees as she was in James's lap. I pulled her into my lap as she wrapped her arms around me. "It's going to be okay, he is not going to come around again." I said as Raven nodded. "Denis, take Raven to go get some more food." I said as Denis carried Raven to the other room as Issues, MIW and BVB came into the room. "What happened." Ben asked.

"Okay, here is the truth, and I think a lot of you know, but Raven is my daughter, and she is adopted by the rest of crown. Raven has been getting weird text from her grandfather as I blocked him and this morning Raven saw him as that's why I told James to take Raven upstairs. I hope you guys don't take this to heart but only people Raven trusts knows that I am her father and her past." I said as I rubbed the back of my head. "Dude, Raven is family and we will protect her no matter what." Andy B said as people agreed.

-Raven's P.O.V The night before-

I sat on the bed with Brent as he turned on the TV as I saw James come into the room. "Hi." I said jumping onto him. "Hello." He said holding me up. "Raven." Brent said as I smiled. "Yes." I replied. "Be careful." He said as I nodded. "I got tea." I heard Sam. I smiled as James put me on his shoulder. I smiled as Sam handed me tea. "Thank you." I said drinking the tea before Carmen and Brandon joined us as we watched some movies. All the guy passed out as I watched the flash until the next morning around 6 a.m, before taking a shower, getting into clean clothes and putting my makeup on.

I put on a jacket as I felt someone hug me. I looked up to see James. "How long have you been up the past few days." He asked. "3 nights now." I said as he nodded before the rest of the guys got up as they changed. We went down to eat as I sat on James lap, eating an apple.

-Later that day after Raven saw her grandfather-

Denis took me into the other room to get food. I sat on the bed as Denis sat next to me. "I fucked up." I said. "No you didn't, he is the creep." Denis said as I nodded. "I kissed Ben." He said to me as I looked at him. "What tell your baby sister what happened." I said looking up at him. "I was getting my shoes on and I got up and I ran into him as we fall our eyes locked than we kissed." Denis said. "I got up and went to your parents room to talk before Ben came to talk to me as we went back to the room, we talked then kissed then he asked me to date him." Denis added as I smiled. "OMG MY LIFE IS COMPLETE." I said before laying on the bed. Denis laughed before getting food. "Want cold pizza." He asked me as I nodded. We eat cold pizza and watched some TV before I fell asleep in Denis's lap.

Dave's P.O.V-

The Bands talked as I went to go check on Denis and Raven, I saw them passed out. I took a picture before Denis woke up causing Raven to wake up. "Hello." I said smiling before Raven closed her eyes and tried to go back to bed. "Sleep." Raven said before Denis smiled and picked her up and placed her back into the bed before walking over to me. "Thank you." I said. "No problem, Raven is family." He said before walking over to Ben. I smiled as the bands talked as Raven walked into the room before climbing into my lap and sitting on me. I smiled before I wrapped my arms around her.

Raven looked up as grabbed her phone. She texted Denis about telling people about him and Ben as he replied 'it's up to him'. I looked at Denis as Andy pulled Raven away from me. "Hey." I said as Raven smiled. "Hay is for horse." Raven said. "Smartass." I said. "Thank you, I know my ass is smart." She replied. Andy laughed before everyone started talking about tour as Raven sat in Andy's lap.

Raven looked sleepy, stressed and overwhelmed for some reason. I looked over at James as he had the same look. Everyone but me and Raven went out, they mostly were going to drink. I wanted time with Raven before the tour ended and we started normal lives. I hugged Raven from behind as she looked at me and smiled. "Hi." She said "Hello, what going on." I asked her as she looked at me. "I just can't really sleep I guess." She replied. "Oh I'm sorry, want to order some pizza and watch a movie or show until you fall asleep." I asked her as she nodded.

I ordered pizza as Raven choice a show to watch. We got the pizza and eat as we watched Grimm. Raven sat next to me as she hugged my arm before she fell asleep. "Goodnight baby." I said before I left the room turning off the TV and going downstairs to get a cup of coffee. 

Sorry guys for the late update, school this year has been full of stuff. Please comment and vote. -Gothicgirl1235

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