Chapter 10: Please Don't Hate Me

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Hey guys, I hope like this chapter, Im sorry for not updating.

-One Week Later-
Andy's P.O.V

"Its been a week, Benn a week. Raven stays on the Issues's bus and Dave stays in his bunk all day." I said as I layed on the couch in the back lounge. "I know, the only thing Raven does is sit and wait for the concert." Benn replied as I groaned. "Benn, Andy um Raven is at the door." Brent said as I got up and ran to the door. I opened the door to see Raven looking down. "Raven." I said as she looked up at me. "Hi Da-Andy." She replied before I pulled her into a hug. "I missed you." I said as Raven hugged me back. "I missed you to, um can I talk to Dave." Raven replied as I pulled away from the hug and smiled "Sure, he is in his bunk." I said as Raven walked on the bus and over to Dave's bunk.

Raven's P.O.V

I walked over to Dave's bunk and opened the curtain as I climbed into the bunk. "Dave." I whispered as I felt Dave wrap his arms around me. "Raven I'm so sorry, I'm so sorry." Dave said as I hugged him back. "I'm sorry to, I shouldn't have yelled at you so please don't hate me." I replied before we both broke down crying. "Dave, you are my hero and I fell like crap for yelling and getting upset at you." I added before Dave smiled and kissed my forehead. "Its okay, I love you and I don't hate you." He said. "I love you to Dad." I replied before Dave looked at me shoked. "You called me dad." He said as I shoke my head yes. "You are." I replied before I heard Andy. "Omg, they made up." Andy yelled before I looked over to see Andy standed next to me. "Whatever Andy." I said before I got out of the bunk. I looked at Andy before he hugged me. "Benn." Andy yelled before I felt Andy pick me up and started to walk. I giggled as I felt Andy put me on the couch. "Hey." I said as I looked over to see Benn. "Benn." I yelled as I hugged him.

"Raven." Benn said copying my voice. "Meany." I replied as I pulled away and crossed my arms. "Uncle Andy, Benn is being mean." I said to Andy as Andy looked at me. "Benn stop being mean." Andy yelled at Benn before Benn started to tickle me. "Benn no." I said before I started to laugh. "Dave." I yelled as I kept laughing. I heard Dave chuckle and started to tickle me to. "Stop, it hurts." I said as I laughed more as I laughed with tears. After a few seconds they stopped as Brent walked over to me and picked me up. "Don't hurt my baby." Brent said to the guys in a female's voice. "Thank you mama Brent."I replied as I kissed his cheek. I heard the guys laugh as I looked at Brent. "Mama Brent." Brent said before he smiled. "Suckers." Brent added. "Wait Dave is Dad, Brent is Mama Brent. What adout us?" Andy asked me. "Um Benn is Princess Baby Ben, Hayden is Tree, Brandon is Mom, don't ask why and you are just Andy." I said. All the guys laughed as Andy sat down and looked at me sad. "But your the most awesome Andy." I addded. Brent put me down as I laughed. "I'm going to find some people." I said before Brent said he was making lunch to hurry. I walked off the bus and to the Issues bus as I knocked on the door as someone with ginger hair opened the door. "Hello, um Tyler you have a fan out here." The ginger said. "Does she have green eyes." I heard Tyler say. "Tyler its your lovely bff." I said as Tyler told the ginger to let me on the bus. "Thank you." I said to the ginger as I looked at Tyler. "I made up with Dave so I'm going to get my things." I said to Tyler as he smiled and hugged me.

"Nooo I was going to make Micheal sleep on the couch so you could have his bunk." Tyler replied joking. I smiled before I hugged Michael. "I'm still going to be back, hey where is Case." I said as I looked around worried. "He left the band Raven." AJ said before my smile faded. "But meet Josh Issues's new drummer." Sky said as I put a fake smile on as I looked at the ginger. "Hello, I'm Raven." I said at him. "Hey, I'm Josh." The ginger said. I looked at Micheal who was still hugging me. "Tyler help." I said before Micheal and Tyler hugged me tight. After a few seconds I felt 6 more arms around me. "Josh get over here." Tyler said before 2 more arms hugged me and Michael. "I see a bright light." I said joking as everyone stopped hugging me. "Well I have to go, Mama Brent is making lunch." I added as I grabbed my things. "Mama Brent." Tyler questioned. "Yep, Mama Brent he likes it. I have to go bye." I anwered as I walked off the bus. "We love Raven Zachary Taylor." Michael yelled as I smiled. "I love you to Micheal, Tyler, AJ, Ty and Skye plus Josh." I yelled back before I walked over my lovely bus. I walked on the bus to see my sully doll sitting on the counter. "Raven we are moving you things to the back lounge Andy's broke his bunk." I heard Dave's voice as I laughed. "Okay awesome." I replied as I grabbed my sully doll and walked to the back lounge. I found all my things on a couch. "How did Andy break his bunk." I asked as I put my bag and sully doll down.

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