Chapter 7: Broken Leg??? (Part Two)

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Part two hope you like the second part

"Okay thank you, um I will tell Raven." I replied before I walked back into the room to see Raven and Brendon laughing. I walked over to her and smiled. "Um Raven, you broke your leg in 3 different places and you need a cast." I said to her as she smile faded. "Ohhh okay." She replied before Doctor Victory walked back into the room. "Raven I guess your father told you, what color would you like for your cast. "Black, please." Raven replied before she smiled again but with a fake. "Okay, well do you know anyone can can bring Raven sweatpants for its earlier to wrap the leg and you don't have to worry about Raven walking around with half her pants on." Doctor Victory asked me.

"Yes I do." I replied before Doctor Victory walked out of the room to get what is needed as I called Andy to bring a pair of my sweets. After a couple of minutes Andy walked into the room holding a pair of sweets with Benn, Hayden, and Brent following him. "Raven are you okay." Andy asked as he handed her the sweatpants. "Um if having a broken leg is okay then yeah I am." Raven replied before Doctor Victory walked back into the room.

"Well Raven I have everything so im goong to have to ask you to have someone help you take your pants off and put the sweetpants on." Doctor Victory said as Raven looked at me."Okay. Um Dave can you help me." Raven replied as I picked her up and walked to the bathroom. I sit here down on the counter. "Do you want me to turn around." I asked her. "Yes please." She replied as I turned around. After a few minutes Raven tapped my shoulder as I turned around to see her.

"Done." She replied as I picked her and walked walked over to the hospital bed before I sit her back down. After a few minutes Doctor Victory finished wrapping Raven's leg and give her crutches. "Thank you." Raven said before Doctor Victory looked at her shoked. "No problem. If Mr.Escamilla well sign this papers you guys can leave just stay out of water and in a month you well get a check up for your leg." Doctor Victory replied before I signed the papers and we left.

-Raven's P.O.V-

We walked out of the hospital as I slipped and fell. "Fuck." I said before Dave helped me up. "What did you say." Andy asked me. "I said fuck. Okay fuck." I replied before I started to walk again. Dave and I got a cab and went back to the venue. After I got on the bus I layed on the couch. "Raven are you okay." Dave asked. "No im not because some jack ass asshole told me move I did and now I have a broken leg. Im pissed, I try everything to be nice to people and assholes like Chris just need to go fuck themselves." I said before I got up and made my way to my bunk.

"Dave is Raven on the bus." I heard Tyler's voice. "Yes in her bunk, um be careful she's pissed." Dave replied before someone walked passed my bunk. "Raven." I heard Tyler's voice as I looked up. "Yeah." I replied as I closed my eyes. "Maybe you should come over to my bus." Tyler said before he walked over to Dave. I layed in my bunk before I hear "Raven back a over night bag your going with Tyler." I heard Dave say. I packed a over night bag with my ipod, earphones and phone. I got up and made my way to the front lodge to see Micheal and Tyler waiting. I hugged Dave bye and made my way to the ISSUE bus.

Michael helped me get on the bus as Ty walked over to me. "Hey are you okay, I saw what happened." He said to me. "Um yeah im fine." I said before I sat down on the couch. "So what did you break." Tyler asked me. "I broke my femer, knee and ankle." I replied before I yawned and covered my mouth. "Tried." Tyler asked me. "Yeah a little." I replied. "Okay well Dave said you should eat and take some pain killers then you can go to be." Tyler replied before he got up and walked to the kitchen. "Um Raven do you mind to wait a few minutes before we go eat." Tyler asked me as Case walked to the front lodge.

"What the hell happened to you." Case asked before he sat next to me. "Um I tipped into a Amp and it fell on me." I said to Case. "Tyler im fine I can just take the pills and go to bed." I replied to Tyler's question. "No you need to eat." Tyler replied before Case and Ty smiled at me. "Why are you smiling at me." I asked before Case picked me up and toke me to the back lounge. "Hey put me down I can walk by myself." I said to him. "Does walking involve crutches." Case asked. "Um maybe." I said before Case sit me on the couch. "Thank you." I added as I moved my leg. "No problem, question how long are you going to be in the cast." Case asked me before I replied with "I don't know." before Ty came back with my crutches. "Here we are going to eat at a cafe so you should come back to the front lounge.He said before handing me the crutches.

"Okay thank you." I replied before I got up and went to the frount louge. I sat down and waited for a few mintutes before i pulled out my ipod and earphones. I started to listen to Memphis May Fire as the bus stopped. "Raven, let's go." Case said helping me up. I grabbed my crutchs and made my way off the bus to see AA and MIW standing by the door. 'Fuck.' I thought to myself as Benn walked over to me. "Hey, I forgot to tell you that Danny wanted to give you this." He said as he handed me a letter. "Okay, thank you." I replied as I put the letter in my pocket and walked into the cafe. We sat down and ordered drinks and food. I read the letter as I waited for the food.

"Dear Raven, I know we never talked much or hanged out much but I wanted to tell you, I know that Dave adopted you. I just wanted you to know I love you like a sister and if you need anything call me at _____________. I hope you have an amazing time with your family. Love Danny."I read to the letter and found a pictures of me and CTE with Brendan. "Raven, what are you looking at." Andy asked me. "Photos, Danny give me." I said looking up. "Were is Danny." I asked Andy before he looked at Benn. "He left for the airport adout 20 minutes after the show ended." Benn said to me. "Wait what, he didn't say bye." I replied sad. "He wanted to but what happened on stage and everything." Benn said to me before I put the letter and the picture back into the envelop. "Oh okay." I replied before the food came and we eat. I finshed up and little earlier then everyone else as I looked at my ipod to see Of Mice & Men's cover of poker face came on.

I listened to the song as the guys finished and payed. I walked out the door as I slipped again but instead of falling to the ground someone grabbed me. "Are you okay." I heard a voice as I looked up to see Ricky Horror. "Um yeah, thank you." I replied before I standed up and walked over to Tyler and Dave. "Um can we hurry and get back to the bus. I just slipped again." I said to them. "Yeah sure." Tyler said before Dave stopped me. "I want a hug before you go." He said as I hugged him. "Night, love you." I replied as I pulled away from the hug. "Love you too." He said before he smiled. I give Andy, Hayden, Brendon and Benn quick hug as Brandon give me a big papa bear hug. I laughed before we pulled away from the hug as I went with ISSUES to the bus.

I got on the bus and sat down as I looked at the cast. 'Why did this happen to me.' I thought to myself as I looked up to see Tyler with a bottle of water and some pills. "Thank you." I said as I grabbed the water and pills. I toke the pills as Tyler moved my leg on the couch. "You have to put your leg up." Tyler said before he put a blacket over me. "Okay, thank you." I replied before I grabbed my bag to get my phone. I texted Danny and put the phone way. "Raven do you want to change before the guys take a shower." Michael asked me. "Sure." I replied getting up and grabbing me bag. I walked to the bathroom and changed. I walked back to the front lodge and sat down as Michael moved my legs on the couch. "Remember what Tyler said." Michael said to me. "Okay, I well try." I replied before Micheal put the blacket on me. I put my head against the couch as I closed my eyes, after a few minutes I opened my eyes to see Danny texted me back.

Me- Hey, thank you for the pictures.
Danny S- Hey, no problem. I heard what happened are you okay?
Me- Yep I have to go bed bye love you.
Danny S- Okay, goodnight love you too.

I put my phone in my bag as I looked up to see Tyler looking at me. "So how are you and Dave related." Tyler asked. "His mom, is my aunt." I replied a little worried. "Cool and just to tell you, I know Dave adopted you." He said as I look at him confused.

There is one other part, Words ???? -Gothicgirl1235

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