Chapter 12: New Guy???

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Raven's P.O.V

I woke up and looked up to see Andy asleep as I looked around to see Motionless In White sitting around alseep to, I sighed got off Andy slowly and walked to the bathroom. I told off my jacket at looked at the cuts. 'Its all my fault, my mother or sister is dead, my father hates me, I was almost clean for 3 mouths.' I thought to myself before used the restroom, walked my hands then put my jacket on and walked out of the bathroom to see Chris standing next to me. "Hey if you need to you can stay on the bus for a few more days." Chris said as I hugged him. Chris hugged me for a few seconds before I pulled away. "Chris can I ask you something." I asked him. "Sure, little Raven." He said. "Why did my mom or sister kill herself. Sarah I thought was my sister killed herself but she's actually my mom, I don't know what to think or say, I mean, the person that gave birth to me passed away in front of me, Dave is my real dad, but can I forgive him for getting drunk and leaving, did I just fuck everything up." I asked Chris as he knelt down to my leave and looked at me. "You didn't fuck anything up, Dave wanted you but your grandparents didn't want gim in your life, you saw your mother die in front of you but you are one of the strongest people I know, so don't think different, think you so what your dad's in a band, but you have any awesome family with Motionless, Black Veil and Asking plus Crown the empire. You have a heart thats so strong, Dave might have to learn to have your trust." Chris said before I hugged again before he told me to get some more sleep.

Dave's P.O.V -the night before at bar-

I was drinking my 4 beer as Andy sat next to me and ordered a water. "What are you doing, Dave, you got your kid back and your drinking." Andy said to me. "The memories of being with Sarah hurt to much." I replied. "The memory of hold Raven in my arms in the hospital, Sarah's parents hating me but Raven hates me more. The memories Andy they hurt." I replied looking at Andy before he hugged me. I hugged him back before Andy payed for the beers and we walked to the bus as I sat down in the front lodge. Andy sat next to me as he layed his head on my shoulder before we fell asleep.

Andy's P.O.V

I woke up next to Dave as I got up slowly and went to the bunk. "I hope you know, he is going to freak if you tell him." Benn said to me. "I know, Im gay and he's straight, he would never like him." I replied in a whisper. I grabbed some clean clothes and my crap for the shower before I toke a shower. I put my clothes on as I put my things back into my bunk. I turned and saw Dave standing next to me. Dave shoved again on of the bunk and held me. "I heard everything that you and Benn said and Im sorry you couldn't have told me, because I like you to." Dave whispered before kissing me. I kissed back as I wrapped my arms around Dave's neck after a few seconds, I pulled away as I looked at Dave. "Dave, I don't want you to feel like you have to like me because I like you." I told him. "Andy I like you, I just haven't been able to tell you." Dave said. "Well you be my boyfriend." He added. "Yes." I replied before he kissed me again. We kissed until I pulled away. "Raven is with motionless and black veil." I said before Dave broke down crying. "I'm a horrible father, I should have fought to get Raven, Sarah shouldn't be dead I should." Dave said crying before I hugged him.

"Don't say that, Raven loves you, it might take time, things happen for reasons and now you have Raven so don't say that ever." I said before Dave cried for a few minutes before I heard Raven's voice. "Dad." Raven said standing next to Ricky before Dave pulled away from the hug. Dave looked at Raven before she ran over to him and hugged him. "Im so sorry, mom died, your a great dad, even dads have a hard time with a teenager." Raven said hugging Dave more. Dave hugged Raven after a few seconds they pulled away before Raven hit my arm. "Hurt my dad, I keel you." Raven said like achmed the dead terrorist.

( jeff dunham plays its really funny achmed the dead terrorist)

I laughed before Raven hugged me. "Raven do you want to go get your things?" Ricky asked Raven. "No thank you I brought them." Raven saod before Ricky left. "Were are the others." I asked. "Hey went out." Dave said before Raven walked to the back lounge/her room. I followed her to see half the back lounge had her things in it. "I think Danny left AA." Raven said before Benn walked on the bus with Denis the guy who help us when Dave lost his voice. "Hey little Raven, Andy and Dave, meet Denis AA new singer." Ben said before Raven looked at Denis. "Hey your the guy I walked into last night." Raven said. "Yeah, your the kid that over heard Ben and Danny yelling." Denis said a little rude. "Asshole." Raven said under her breathe before I laughed. "Denis be nice." Ben said. "I hate kids." Denis replied before Raven walked in front of Denis. "And I hate assholes like you so we both have someone in front of use we don't like, so please get the fuck of my dad's bus before I kick your ass." Raven said pissed off before Ben looked at Dave and I. "Know we know not to piss off a girl from Texas." Ben said making me and Dave smile before Ben and Denis left.

"Fucking prick." Raven said before I laughed. "You have been hanging around Sam and Cameron alittle to long." Dave said. I smiled before I grabbed monsters inc. "You guys want to have a movie day." I asked him showing them the movie. "Yeah, I'm going to change." Raven said grabbing some sweats and walked to the bathroom. "Do you think Raven saw us kiss?" I asked. "I don't know but she seemed cool with Ben and Hayden." Dave replied before he give me a quick kiss.

Raven's P.O.V

I saw Dave and Andy kiss as I smiled. 'I knew it.' I thought to myself. "Does this make Andy my step dad?" I questioned them as they pulled away from there kiss. "I guess. If you want to be her step dad." Dave said/ asking Andy. "Yes I would love to." Andy replied before I smiled and sat in between them. We watched monsters Inc before I Andy grabbed my hand and lefted my jacket sleeve up, showing off my cuts. I freaked out before moving, falling off the sit and holding my legs. "Please don't hurt me, Im so sorry, Im sorry." I cried having flashback backs of the past.

-flashback- -Raven in 7th grade-

I started walking towards my spot I sat at during lunch before someone grabbed me and pushed me in the lockers. I saw Eddie my bully the person who only picks on me. "Hey emo freak, I missed you yesterday. Your totally getting it today." He said before beating the crap out of me before leaving me on the ground.

-few weeks later at home-

"Raven get your whore ass in here." I heard my dad scream (grandfather), I ran down the stairs to find my dad drunk and pissed off. "Because of you I lost my baby, because of you my boss fucking hates me." He yelled at me before hitting or kicking.

-End of flashbacks-

"Please don't hurt me, Im sorry, Im sorry." I said crying as started to freak out more of flashbacks. "Im sorry." I replied over and over again.

-Dave's P.O.V-

Raven started to freak out as the guy came back. We tried to came her but if we taughted she freaked out more before I called Tyler knowing he probably come help more then us. After a few minutes Tyler came on the bus and help us. Tyler grabbed Raven's sully doll before he held it out to Raven. "Raven take Sully and hold him until you feel safe to hold my hand." Tyler said to Raven as she toke Sully and held him. After a few minutes Raven held Tyler's hand. "Okay know tell me what is your flashbacks about." He said sweetly. "Being at school as the kid who picked on my named Eddie beating me, then a few weeks later, my granddad beating me to." Raven said scared. "Okay, I want you to think of your happy place." Tyler said. "Okay, I'm at my happy place." Raven replied. "Can you open your eyes know." Tyler asked before a few minutes passed then Raven opend her eyes and hugged Tyler.
"It's okay." He said running her back before she pulled away and I saw the cuts on her wrist as my heart broke. Raven pulled her jacket down before looking down at the ground.

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