Chapter 6: Broken Leg??? (Part One)

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Hey I hope you like the story.

Raven's P.O.V

'Its been a hole mouth since Andy and Dave saved me. I haven't cut, all the cuts have turn into scars or scabs, I still miss my old home and school just for the good memories. Dave sent the papers after Brendon signed them and after a few days Dave got a email of my birth certificate and medical history. Then last night Dave got my passport and I.D. I guess its cool to know my name is Raven Zachary Taylor Hoover Escamilla. Im still getting use to the hole tour thing but I think I have it down.' I wrote down in my journal, Benn got me with a lock and key. Today Dave and Brandon are taking me some where to day. I got ready and did my makeup as I walked out of the bathroom someone hugged me. I looked up to see Andy, as I hugged back. "Hi." I said before I smiled.

"Hey, Dave and Brandon are waiting for you outside." Andy said to me before we pulled away from the hug. "Okay thank you." I replied before I walked over to the door and walked off the bus. I looked up to see Dave and Brandon standing next to one another. I walk over to Dave as Dave smiled at me and told me we are going to a pizza shop. I replied with a okay as we started to walk to the pizza shop. We got to the pizza shop and sat at a table.

"Raven, me and the guys have been talking and we know you only have clothes, your Ipod with earphones, the sully boll, the journal Benn got you and yr makeup. So we wanted you to have this." Dave said handing me a Iphone. I toke it as I looked at him. "I don't know adout this." I replied before I give Dave the phone back. "No take it." Dave said as he handed the phone back. "Raven, please take it." Brandon said to me before I toke the phone and put it in my lap.

"Okay." I replied before the pizza came. We eat and walked back to the bus. We got to the bus as I sat down in my bunk. I turned to phone on to see everything set up. I looked through the contacts to see all the guys numbers in the phone. "Raven what are you doing." I heard Andy's voice from the front lodge as I got up and walked to the front lodge. I looked up to see Andy with a small cake in his hands.

"I didn't know if you liked cake so I got chocolate." He said to me before he put it in the counter. "What is it for." I asked him. "For being in the family." He said before he smiled and walked away to the back lounge. I looked at the cake to see 'We love you -CTE' writen on it. I smile before I walk to the back lounge. "Thank you Andy." I say before I look up to see Dave and Andy smiling. "No problem." Andy says before I look at them weird. "What's going on." I ask before someone hugs me from behind. I looked up to see Hayden. "Hi." I said to him before I hugged him back. "Hey we have something for you." Hayden said before he handed me a small box.

I replied thank you as I grabbed the box. "Hayden, fucking move." I heard Benn's voice. I covered my mouth before I started to laugh. "Benn." I heard Andy say. "What, wait is Raven standing next to Hayden." Benn said before I replied with a yes. I smiled and moved over to Andy so Benn could see. "Um what's in the box." I asked before I looked at Andy. "Wait, Brandon, Brent, Brendon get yr asses over here." Dave yelled before they ran to the back lounge. "Yeah." Brent said before Andy hugged me and told me to open the box.

I opened the box to see a necklace in the shape of a heart. "Um I can't take this." I said before I handed back to Hayden. "Yes you can." Hayden replied. "No, I got a phone and im not taking a necklace that is more then anything on this bus." I said before I started to panic. "Raven calm down please." Dave said to me before I closed my eyes and toke a deep breath. I opened my eyes again to see Hayden looking down. "Hayden its okay, I over reacted adout it." I said to him before I hugged him. He hugged me back, I signed before I grabbed the box and pulled away.

"I love you Hayden like a older brother or my dad so im going to wear it for you." I said to him before I opened the box and put the necklace on. I smiled before I hugged Hayden again. We hugged for a few seconds before we pulled away and smiled at one another before Dave picked me up. "Okay we have one more present." He said before he walked off the bus. "What are you doing." I asked before Dave put me on his shoulders. "Family picture." He said before I looked at him weird. "What do you mean by Family picture." I asked before Dave put me down.

"We take a photo together with one another." He replied. "Okay." I said before I smiled. We toke a photo together before CTE did there sound check. CTE played as I watched before someone walked into me. "Move it, kid." I heard a guys voice. I looked up to see Chris Motionless. "Um im sorry." I said before I moved but then fell into a Amp that landed on my leg before I screamed in pain.

"Raven." I heard Tyler's voice as Michael and him moved the Amp off of my leg. Micheal picked me up and walked over to one of the back rooms. "What happened." Michael asked me. "I fell onto a Amp and it fell on me." I said before Micheal sit me down on a couch. "But why did you fall." He asked me. "Um I tripped." I lied before Micheal give me 'bullshit lie' look. "Fine, Chris Motionless told me to move to I did but fell into the amp." I said looking him in the eyes.

-Dave's P.O.V-

We finished the sit and walked off stage to find Raven was missing. Tyler walked over to me with a fake smile on his face. "Dave, um Raven fell and a Amp fell on her. She is in the second dressing room. I think she broke her leg." Tyler said to me before I run to the dressing room to see Micheal and Raven talking. "Dave." Raven said before she tried to walk over to me but failed as she fell. "Raven." I said picking her up. "What im fine." She replied before she smiled.

"No your not, Im taking you to the hospital." I said before I walked out of the room and over to Brendan. "Brendan, we need to go." I said before he walked over to me as Brandon followed him. "Andy told me what happened, lets go." Bredan replied before we got a cab and went to the hospital. We checked Raven in, they did x-rays and now we are waiting to hear news.

"Dave im sorry." Raven said to me as she looked down. "For what." I replied confused. "Adout falling and having the Amp fall on me, I should have just stuck up for myself." Raven said before she looked down. "What do you mean stuck up for yourself." I asked her. "Well um Chris told me to move so I did. I tripped into the amp and it fell on me." She replied still looking down. "It's okay, Raven." I said to her before one of the doctors came into the room.

"Hello I'm Doctor Victory, Mr.Escamilla and Mr.Hoover may I spell to you outside for a minute." The doctor asked me and Brandon before we said sure and walked out of the room. "Mr.Escamilla and Mr.Hoover, Raven broke her right leg in 3 different places. She broke her femur, knee and ankle. We are going to have put Raven in cast." Doctor Victory said to us before I looked at Brandon.

Don't worry there is a few parts to this chaper. -Gothicgirl1235 Words 1423

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