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"Are you sure this is the place?" I asked my twin brother, Henry. "I'm positive, this is where she lives," Henry told me. "What if she doesn't come with us, what if she doesn't want us? She didn't want us back then why would she want us now?" I asked with tears.

Henry hugged me. "No matter what happens I will be with you. She gave up on us and that's her fault because you are an amazing sister and I love you a lot. And she will too," Henry told me. I smiled and hugged him back. "Go ahead, ring the doorbell. It's time to meet our mom," I said.

Henry nodded and rang the doorbell. A lady opened the door. She had long blonde hair and was wearing a pretty dress. I looked up at her. This is my biological mother, Emma Swan. I resisted the urge to cry.

"Uh? Can I help you?" Emma asked. "Are you Emma Swan?" I asked. "Yeah, who are you?" Emma asked. "My name's Henry and this is Ava. We are your children," Henry told her. Emma's eyes grew. She remained silent as she stood there.

We pushed by her and went into the apartment. "Whoa! Hey, kids! Kids! Kids! I don't have children! Where are your parents?" Emma asked. "Ten years ago. Did you give up a pair of twins for adoption? That was us," I told her.

Emma looked at us and I thought I saw recognition but it was gone as quickly as it had appeared. "Give me a minute.." Emma told us. She walked away from us and into some bathroom. "I'm thirsty," I said. "Me too," Henry agreed.

"Hey, you have any juice?" Henry asked as he looked around Emma's fridge. He picked up a bottle of juice. "Never mind, found some," Henry said. We each took a sip of juice and then Emma walked out.

"You know, we should probably get going," Henry told her. "Going where?" Emma asked. "We want you to come home with us," I explained. "Okay, kids. I'm calling the cops," Emma said as she walked towards her phone.

"Then I'll tell them you kidnapped us," Henry suggested. "And they'll believe you because I'm your birth mother," Emma said. "Yep," Henry and I said in unison. "You're not going to do that," Emma told us. "Try me," Henry said.

"You both are pretty good. But here's the thing - there's not a lot I'm great at in life. I have one skill. Let's call it a superpower. I can tell when anyone is lying and you two, are," Emma said.

"Wait.. Please don't call the cops. Please, come home with us," I pleaded. "Where's home?" Emma asked. "Storybrooke, Maine," Henry answered. "Storybrooke? Seriously?" Emma asked. "Mmhmm," Henry said. "Alright, then. Let's get you back to Storybrooke," Emma said.

We followed her out of her apartment and got into her yellow buggy. She started driving and Henry and I sat in the back. Henry got out his book and we started reading it. After 10 minutes my stomach started making noises.

"I'm hungry. Can we stop somewhere?" I asked. "This is not a road trip. We're not stopping for snacks," Emma answered. "Why not?" Henry asked. "Quite complaining, you two. Remember - I could have put your butts on a bus. I still could," Emma told us.

"You know, we have names. Henry and Ava, why don't you try it?" I said. Henry laughed a little. Emma went silent and we continued to read our book.

"What's that?" Emma asked. "I'm not sure you are ready," Henry said. "I'm not ready for some fairy tales?" Emma asked. "They're not fairy tales," I said. "They're true. Every story in this book actually happened," Henry explained.

"Of course they did," Emma said sarcastically. I knew she wouldn't believe us. "If you don't believe us then use your so called superpower. See if we are lying," I said.

"Just because you believe something, doesn't make it true," Emma said. "Just because you say you have a superpower, doesn't make it true," I said. Emma ignored me.

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