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Emptiness. Sadness. Loss.

That's what I felt 2 weeks ago when I found out Graham died. He was kinda like my dad to me. He would push me on the swing sets when I was a little girl. He would babysit us when Mom had something to deal with around town.

The sad thing was, ever since Emma came to town, I haven't talked to him as much. Now he's gone. No one will understand why I'm more sad than anyone. Henry and Emma aren't even as sad as I am.

I remember one night Graham had already put us to bed and I had woken up with a nightmare. Mom had had a problem in the hospital and Graham was supposed to watch us for the night. He had come upstairs and had put me in his lap.

Henry was still asleep and Graham was trying to calm me down so I didn't wake Henry up. He had held me close and sung to me. Sure he sounded like a cow dying from a seizure but it's the thought that counts, right? That was when I realized that he was like a father to me. I've never had a fatherly figure in my life. I don't know what happened to my real father, but Graham acted like my own.

I know who did this. I know who killed him.

My mom.

Henry knows too. The night we found out about Graham we started avoiding Emma. It was partially our faults Graham died. We got to caught up in the curse and trying to gain people's memories back to break the curse that Graham had to suffer.

Why are we avoiding Emma? We just don't want her to get hurt. I can't loose my real mom again. I've already lost her once, it would be too hard to loose her again.

"Hey, you okay?" I heard Henry ask as he walked up to the castle. I had been here everyday after school. Some days Henry wouldn't come. I would tell him to leave me alone and I would come here by myself to think about Graham.

"No, you know I'm not," I said. Henry sat next to me and pulled me close. "I know this is tough, but you have to let me in. I can help," Henry told me. He was right. I've been pushing everyone away since Graham died.

"It's just, he was like a father to me. We never had our real father, but Graham kinda filled in the place. I... I just miss him so much," I said with a tear rolling down my face.

Henry held on to me as I wiped away my tears. I heard footsteps, but we didn't move. Someone sat down next to me and I looked up to see Emma. I quickly looked away.

"Brought you two something. Thought we could use them together for Operation Cobra," Emma said as she handed us each a walkie talkie.

"Thanks," we told her but continued to look away. "Oh, come on! What's up? You two have been ducking me for weeks!" Emma told us.

"We think we should stop Cobra stuff for a while. You don't play with the curse," Henry said. "Look what happened to Graham," I whispered. "Henry, Ava, I told you they did an autopsy. It was totally natural causes," Emma said.

"Okay, whatever. You don't believe - good. That should keep you from messing with it," Henry said. "And getting killed," I whispered. "You're worried about me?" Emma asked me.

"She killed Graham because he was good - and you're good," I said. "Ava.." Emma interrupted.

"Good looses - good always looses. Because good has to play fair - evil doesn't. She's evil," Henry stated. I handed Emma back our walkie talkies. "This is probably best. We don't want to upset her anymore," I said. I grabbed Henry's hand and we got up and walked away, leaving Emma by the castle.

The rest of the day we did nothing. I went home and sulked while Henry comforted me. We did find out however, that Emma was fired from her job as deputy. We went to bed that night and I had tears in my eyes. Another night without Graham.

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