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"What are you doing here?" I asked the man who had just appeared last night. He was currently tinkering with his motorcycle in front of our house and Henry and I were trying to get some information out of him.

"Fixing my bike," the man told us. "No, we mean in Storybrooke," Henry explained. "Just visiting," the man answered. I noticed the wooden box again and asked, "What's that?"

"A box," the man said. "What's inside it?" I asked. "Just something I need to do what I came here for," the man told us. Mom opened the door and looked at us.

I ignored it and Henry asked, "Well, I thought you were just visiting?" "Doesn't mean I don't have something to do," the man said.

The man started the motorcycle and Mom yelled, "Henry! Ava!" "Better get to school. Looks like a storm's coming," the man told us.

The man drove off and we watched him. Mom walked up and asked, "Kids, who was that?" We shrugged.

Who exactly was he?


This is probably the shortest chapter in this book so far. But this is literally how long Henry is actually in the episode. Omg... I'll try and do an extra update, just for you guys. Anyways, this was the tenth episode. 7:15 am. Also, I'm so sorry for not updating for a couple of days. I got my phone taken away and well that means I couldn't update.. ): once again, sorry and enjoy this chapter! Hope you liked it!

❤️Luv you❤️


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